Fight to the death

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Werm's antennae twitched as they scanned the bushes, their insectoid eyes narrowing. As the rustling grew louder, the others instinctively spread their wings, ready to take flight at a moment's notice.

A small, dark shape emerged, resolving into the form of a baby rabbit. Michi let out a relieved breath, but Werm remained tense, their hooves shifting in the underbrush.

The rabbit froze, its tiny nose twitching as it caught of the groups scent. Then, to the group's surprise, it let out a high-pitched squeal and darted back into the foliage, disappearing from sight.

Werm turned to the others, their expression grave. They gestured emphatically, their hooves pounding the ground in sounds that the pegasi struggled to interpret.

"I think Werm is trying to warn us," Michi said, brow furrowed in concentration. "Whatever is out there, it's scared that rabbit...and Werm thinks we should be scared too."

Milan flared her wings nervously. "Then why are we still going forward? Shouldn't we be turning back?"

Cookie nodded vigorously. "I agree, this feels...wrong. Like we're walking right into trouble."

But Werm was already moving, their metamorphic body flowing silently through the undergrowth. Michi shot the others an apologetic look before hurrying to catch up, her iridescent wings propelling her forward.

The pegasi had no choice but to follow, their hooves crunching on the forest floor as they trailed after the mysterious changeling, uncertain of what lay ahead.

Suddenly, a deafening crash echoed through the forest, causing the four companions to instinctively spread their wings and take to the air in an urgent rush of adrenaline. Michi, Milan, and Cookie flapped their vibrant feathered wings, while Werm's insect-like wings buzzed as they propelled themselves upwards.

They stayed Hovering above the treeline for a few seconds, shaking with the shock of the scare. the group surveyed the scene below with wide, fearful eyes. Massive, dark tentacles had erupted from the forest, rising up and reaching towards them like grasping, otherworldly appendages.

"What in Equestria is that?" Milan exclaimed, his voice trembling.

Werm's hooves clattered anxiously as they hovered next to the pegasi. Their equine features were etched with a look of grave concern, and they pointed a hoof towards a small hut in a nearby clearing.

Michi followed Werm's gesture and gasped. "Shroom and Holos! Their house is being engulfed by those... those _things_!"

The dark tentacles had already covered the doors of the modest dwelling, trapping the occupants inside. Michi's wings beat faster, her heart racing with a mix of fear and determination.

"We have to help them!" she cried, banking sharply and diving towards the threatened hut.

"Michi, wait!" Cookie called out, but the pegasus was already in motion, Milan and Werm close behind.

As they neared the hut, the sheer scale of the threat became clear. The tentacles were massive, thicker than tree trunks, and they writhed with an unnatural, unsettling movement. Werm's hooves clicked against the air as they scanned the scene, searching for a way to free the trapped dwelling.

Milan and Cookie hovered nearby, their wings churning nervously. "How are we supposed to fight _that_?" Milan whispered, his eyes wide with trepidation.

Werm turned to face the pegasi, their equine features etched with a sense of urgency. They gestured emphatically with their hooves, trying to convey a plan of action, but their muteness prevented them from voicing their strategy.
Michi, Milan, and Cookie circled the modest hut, their wings beating furiously as they searched for a way to reach their trapped friends Shroom and Holos. The dark, oozing tentacles had spread, now enveloping the forest below and crawling ever closer to the nearby changeling pond.

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