Loyal and royal

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Michi, Cookie, and Milan strained against the relentless assault of the monster's black tentacles, their wings flapping furiously as they desperately dodged the grasping appendages.

Despite Shroom and Holo's valiant efforts, the magic they wielded was no match for the sheer power and size of the awakened beast. The creature continued to grow, feeding off the darkness that had consumed the forest below.

"It's no use!" Cookie cried out, her voice laced with exhaustion. "We can't keep this up much longer!"

Michi's brow furrowed in determination, her hooves lashing out at the tentacles that threatened to ensnare her. "We have to keep trying! Shroom and Holo are counting on us!"

Milan, his normally sleek feathers ruffled and disheveled, darted in and out of the creature's reach, searching for an opening. "There has to be a way to weaken it, to give them a chance to escape!"

The three friends fought on, their movements becoming more erratic as fatigue began to set in. Shroom and Holo's magic erupted in bursts of color, but the monster's regenerative powers were formidable, healing the damage almost as quickly as it was inflicted.

Michi's wings faltered, and for a terrifying moment, she found herself in the grip of a massive tentacle. "No!" she cried, struggling against the crushing constriction.

Cookie and Milan rushed to her aid, but they too were soon ensnared, their cries of pain and frustration echoing through the darkened forest.

As the monster's grip tightened around them, Michi, Cookie, and Milan realized that their last hope of rescuing their friends was rapidly slipping away. The situation had grown dire, and they feared that they might not be able to hold out much longer against the overwhelming power of the awakened beast.

Cookie gritted her teeth as she lashed out at the monstrous creature, her hooves striking the thick, sinewy tentacles with all her remaining strength. The monster let out a deafening screech, more annoyance than pain, and in a sudden, violent motion, flung both Cookie and Michi high into the air.

Milan remained trapped in the beast's powerful grip, his desperate cries for help lost amidst the roaring wind and rain.

Seizing the opportunity, Cookie forced her exhausted wings to carry her away, even as her heart ached at the thought of abandoning her friends. "Hang on, Milan!" she called out, her voice nearly drowned out by the storm. "I'll come back for you, I promise!"

The rain pummeled Cookie's soaked feathers, making flight increasingly treacherous. As she struggled to maintain control, a violent gust of wind sent her tumbling down towards the trees below. She crashed through the branches, finally coming to rest on a sturdy limb, battered and bruised, but alive.

Michi, meanwhile, frantically tried to unfurl her wings, desperate to slow her own descent. But the immense pressure from the creature's attack had taken its toll, and her muscles refused to obey. Michi squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable impact.

Time seemed to slow as she plummeted, the ground rushing up to meet her. In those final moments, Michi's thoughts raced, filled with worry for her friends, regret for their failed rescue attempt, and a lingering fear of what was to come.

And then, the world went dark.

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