Power in the tower

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In the lofty towers of Canterlot, the unnamed princess stood vigilant, her gaze fixed upon the distant horizon. Concern etched upon her regal features as she summoned one of her trusted guards.

"What is the current situation?" she inquired, her voice calm yet laced with a hint of urgency.

The guard, standing at attention, responded swiftly. "Your Highness, three pegasi have been dispatched on a mission to locate the wise earth pony. They were seen heading towards the conflict in Ponyville."

The princess nodded, her expression pensive. "I see. And what of the evacuees? Have we secured enough provisions and supplies to sustain them during this crisis?"

The guard hesitated momentarily before answering. "Well, Your Highness, the truth is, the influx of refugees has been greater than anticipated. Our stores are dwindling, and we are struggling to keep up with the demand."

The princess's brow furrowed, a hint of worry creeping into her voice. "This is most concerning. We cannot allow our citizens to go without the essentials. Inform the quartermaster that I require a detailed report on our current inventory and projected needs."

"At once, Your Highness," the guard replied, bowing deeply before hastening to carry out the princess's orders.

Left alone with her thoughts, the princess gazed out of the tower window, her eyes scanning the horizon. "The fate of Equestria hangs in the balance," she murmured, her voice tinged with a sense of unease. "We must be prepared for whatever challenges may arise."

Turning from the window, the princess strode towards the council chambers, her steps filled with a renewed sense of purpose. The well-being of her subjects was her top priority, and she would do whatever it took to ensure their safety and security during this tumultuous time.

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