A familiar face

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The next morning, Michi and Milan made their way through the bustling streets of Ponytown, the weight of Michi's troubling encounter the previous night heavy on their minds. As they neared the edge of the village, they spotted a familiar figure fluttering nearby - it was their friend Cookie, a white pegasus with a warm, friendly demeanor.

"Michi! Milan!" Cookie called out, spotting them and waving enthusiastically. "What are you two up to on this beautiful morning?" She beamed, her brown rabbit ears flopping down her mane.
"Wait, what's wrong?"
She noticed the tension in the pair, and quickly galloped over.

Michi and Milan landed lightly beside her, their expressions grave. "Cookie, we need to go check on the changeling pond," Michi explained, quickly recounting the previous night's events. "I'm worried something might have happened."

Cookie's eyes widened in alarm. "Something happened?!" she exclaimed. "Of course, let's go take a look. I'm sure the little changeling is just fine, but it never hurts to make sure."

The three pegasi spread their wings and took to the air, leaving the bustling streets of Ponytown behind. As they followed the winding path that led deep into the majestic forest, the serene atmosphere did little to ease their growing sense of unease.

"I just can't shake the feeling that something's not right," Michi murmured, her eyes scanning the lush canopy of trees below. "What if that creature comes back?"

Milan reached out and gently placed a comforting wing around his friend. "Don't worry, Michi. We're here, and we'll get to the bottom of this. The changelings will be safe, I'm sure of it."

Cookie nodded in agreement, her usual bubbly demeanor tempered by the gravity of the situation. "That's right. Together, we'll make sure everything is alright."

As the three pegasi drew closer to the changeling pond, they noticed the trees growing denser and the forest becoming more rugged. Michi, Milan, and Cookie decided to land and continue the rest of the journey on hoof.
Suddenly, Cookie let out a gasp. "Did you see that?" she whispered, her eyes scanning the nearby bushes. "I thought I saw something move."
Michi and Milan immediately went on high alert, their wings half-unfurled as they scanned the area. But before they could react, a blinding light erupted all around them, enveloping the trio in a magical field that left them frozen in place.

"Who's there?" Michi cried out in alarm, straining against the magical bonds that held her. "Show yourself!"
A moment later, a changeling emerged quietly from the bushes, its features twisted in an uncharacteristically hostile expression. The creature's horn glowed with the same ethereal light that surrounded the pegasi, indicating it was the source of the magic.
"Please, let us go," Milan pleaded, his voice calm and even. "We mean you no harm."
The changeling simply stared at them for a long moment, its gaze cold and calculating. Then, slowly, it lowered its horn, dispelling the magical field and releasing the pegasi from its grip.

To Michi's surprise, the changeling turned and gestured for them to follow, then began silently making its way deeper into the forest.

"Did you see that?" Michi whispered to the others as they cautiously fell into step behind the strange creature. "It was so... hostile. Changelings are usually so friendly and welcoming."

Milan nodded, his brow furrowed in thought. "Yes, this one seems quite different. But it's also clearly trying to communicate something with us. We should follow and see where it leads."

Cookie gulped nervously, but steeled her resolve. "I'm with you. Let's see what this mysterious changeling wants."

As the three pegasi followed the mysterious changeling deeper into the forest, they were struck by the dramatic shift in the environment around them. The once dense, shadowy trees slowly gave way to a lush, vibrant canopy that seemed to glow with an inner radiance. Flowers of every imaginable color bloomed in abundance, and shimmering beams of sunlight danced between the verdant branches.

*~Somethings wrong in ponytown~*Where stories live. Discover now