The griffin and the unicorn

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As Aimi and Rose stepped into the cozy confines of the clock shop, the tinkling chime of the bell above the door announced their arrival. The warm, earthy scent of polished wood and the gentle ticking of timepieces created a soothing ambiance, offering a welcome respite from the bustling streets of Canterlot.

Rose's eyes immediately began to wander, taking in the array of intricate clocks that lined the shelves and hung from the walls. Her wings rustled with curiosity as she moved closer to examine the delicate mechanisms, her fascination palpable.

Aimi, on the other hand, found herself drawn to the elegant grandfather clock situated in the corner, its majestic pendulum swinging with a comforting rhythm. She reached out a hoof, gently tracing the ornate carvings etched into the wooden frame, her mind lost in the tranquility of the moment.

Suddenly, Rose's voice broke the spell, her tone brimming with excitement.

"Hey, Aimi! Have you ever thought about what your cutie mark might be?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Aimi blinked, startled from her reverie. "My cutie mark?" she echoed, her brow furrowing in contemplation. "I suppose I haven't really given it much thought, to be honest."

Rose's wings fluttered as she stepped closer, her expression brimming with childlike wonder. "Well, what do you think you'd like it to be? Something to do with magic, maybe? Or perhaps something more practical, like organizing or time-keeping?"

Aimi's gaze drifted back to the grandfather clock, the rhythmic ticking resonating within her. "I... I'm not sure," she admitted, a small frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. "I've always been more interested in the study of magic, but I suppose I've never really considered how that might translate into a cutie mark."

Rose's eyes widened, and she nodded enthusiastically. "Ooh, yes! A magic-related cutie mark would be so incredible. Maybe it could be something to do with time magic, or even temporal manipulation!" She gasped, her wings flapping excitedly. "Imagine being able to control the flow of time itself!"

Aimi couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's infectious enthusiasm. "That does sound quite intriguing," she conceded, a smile tugging at her lips. "But I suppose I'll just have to wait and see what my destiny has in store for me."

Rose nodded sagely, her expression suddenly serious. "That's true, Aimi. Your cutie mark will come to you when the time is right, and it'll be perfect for you. I can't wait to see what it'll be!"

"Do Griffins have cutie marks?" Aimi asked, Tilting her head at a ticking clock.
"Sort of, not like you ponies do, but have you heard of 'talons?'

Aimi's brow furrowed as she considered Rose's question, a hint of stubborn determination in her expression.

"Griffins get _what_ now?" she huffed, crossing her hooves over her chest. "Cutie marks? Talons? What kind of nonsense is that?"

Rose's eyes widened slightly at Aimi's abrupt tone, but she pressed on, undaunted.

"Yes, Aimi, griffins have their own version of cutie marks, called talons. It's a way for them to represent their unique talents and-"

"Well, that's just ridiculous," Aimi interrupted, tossing her mane indignantly. "Unicorns are the only ones who get cutie marks. Everyone knows that. I've never heard of any 'talons' before, and I'm not about to start believing in such silly ideas."

Rose opened her mouth to respond, but Aimi quickly cut her off again.

"And as for this 'flying' business," she scoffed, eyeing Rose's wings with a hint of disdain. "What's so great about it, anyway? Sure, you might get to soar around up there, but we unicorns have our own magic to rely on. We don't need to flap around like a bunch of feathered fools."

Aimi huffed and turned her head, her horn glowing faintly as she levitated a nearby clock, examining it with a critical eye.

"I'll stick to my hooves, thank you very much," she muttered. "At least I know what I'm capable of, without having to make up some fancy 'talon' nonsense."

Rose watched Aimi's display with a mixture of surprise and concern, her wings folding in a bit closer to her body. She knew her friend could be stubborn at times, but this level of dismissiveness was unexpected.

Clearing her throat gently, Rose tried again. "Aimi, I understand you may be skeptical, but perhaps we could-"

Rose couldn't help but chuckle at Aimi's stubborn display, her wings rustling softly. "Oh, Aimi, your conviction is quite admirable, even if it is a bit misguided."

Aimi's cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment as she realized her confident demeanor was starting to slip. Determined to maintain her tough exterior, she huffed and turned her head, muttering under her breath.

"Well, I... I mean, it's not like I'm _not_ impressed by your wings or anything. They're... they're actually quite cool, I guess." Aimi's hoof scuffed against the wooden floor, her eyes darting away from Rose's amused gaze.

Rose smiled warmly, her feathers ruffling with understanding. "I know, Aimi. You don't have to pretend to be uninterested. There's no shame in admitting that flying seems fascinating to you."

Aimi's horn glowed faintly as she fidgeted with the nearby clock, her lips pursed in a pout. "Well, I'm still not convinced about these 'talons' or whatever you were talking about. That just sounds like a bunch of made-up nonsense to me."

Rose chuckled softly, her wings stretching out before folding back against her sides. "Fair enough, my stubborn little friend. I suppose I'll have to accept that you're not quite ready to embrace the wonders of the griffin world just yet."

Aimi shot Rose a sideways glance, her expression still guarded, but a hint of curiosity shining through. "Well, maybe... maybe if you could tell me more about it, I might be willing to, you know, _consider_ the possibility. But just a little bit, okay?"

Rose's eyes sparkled with delight, and she leaned in closer, eager to share her knowledge. "Of course, Aimi. I'd be more than happy to tell you all about the incredible world of griffins and their talons. Just say the word, and I'll regale you with tales of their flight and ferocity."

Aimi tried to suppress a smile, but the corners of her lips tugged upward ever so slightly. "Alright, alright, fine. But don't think this means I'm giving in or anything. I'm just... curious, that's all."

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