。゚•┈୨♡୧┈•゚。 1. y̳o̳u̳r̳ s̳t̳u̳p̳i̳d̳ f̳a̳c̳e̳ 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈•゚。

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Miles Edgeworth was beautiful.

Phoenix knew he'd noticed this before, in the dim light as he and Miles had worked late or the time Miles had needed to stay at his apartment for a day. In small, secretive glances, lest the man notice.

But never had it been like this, with Miles in his natural element - prosecuting a trial. Phoenix wasn't the defense this time, and for that he was glad, because Miles was eviscerating the poor woman. Every argument she made, he was there, blocking her coldly and efficiently.

He knew he was gawking, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He was about to reign in whatever devotion was spelled out on his face when Miles flashed him a grin mid-argument, small and sharp and secret.

He felt himself grinning back sappily before Miles went back to his solemn duty - okay, he was loving this. Maya, sitting next to Phoenix, looked at him and asked, "Nick, are you okay? You've been gazing intently at this trial, and you usually don't... oh. Ohhhhhhh." She trailed off, looking down at the trial. "It's because Mr. Edgeworth is prosecuting, isn't it."

He flushed, and she smirked like a predator who'd just deftly maneuvered its prey into a trap. "You really need to ask him out, sir. You've been like this for" - she checked her watch for extra dramatic effect - "three months. SInce around he visited your apartment, actually."

Phoenix shot her a glare that he knew she knew he didn't mean, and she laughed silently. "You're reeeeeally not subtle, if you don't mind me saying. Sir." she added cheekily, and grinned at him.

He groaned and buried his face in his hands. "I would, Maya, but he'd never agree. He's beautiful, confident, charismatic, and I'm... me. I'm the fuckup of the firm and we all know it, Maya." 

Her expression softened and she placed a hand on his back. "Sir, you underestimate yourself. I'm not exactly the resident expert on men, but you're definitely not bad looking. And you're very nice, and even socially inept Edgeworth can see that. No offense, sir."

Phoenix lifted his face out of his hands and blinked up at her, she was startled to see that his eyes were misty. "Th- thanks, Maya. It means a lot."

"Anytime, boss."


Miles exited the trial to find himself being crashed into by someone in a blue suit. Miles laughed and said "Hello, Wright." as said blue suit stepped back.

Miles had gotten the blue suit for Phoenix shortly after their first trial together, wherein he learned that Phoenix had bought his suit for the princely sum of $40 and took it upon himself to buy Phoenix a new one.

He had dragged Phoenix to the best tailor he knew, and it paid off since that goddamn suit was tailored to fit Phoenix like a glove. It had taken him a fair bit to learn to look at Phoenix without turning bright red, but he had managed it.

He was jolted back to the present by Phoenix saying, "Miles, you destroyed that poor woman. You just ripped her apart like you were a paper shredder! How do you do that?"

He flushed slightly at the praise from Phoenix - Honestly, Miles, you have to kick that habit. If you blush every time he compliments you you'll be walking around in a chronic tomato state by the end of the month. - and said "Practice. An entire lifetime's worth of practice, actually."

"An entire lifetime's  worth of practice, actually." Phoenix mocked with an over-the-top British accent and invisible teacup. Maya laughed and Miles just rolled his eyes, which earned him one of those full-wattage smiles that occasionally would pop into his head while he was working.

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