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27 3 5

day 1: letters (red white and royal blue WHO) (tw // suicide mention)


I have had several drinks. please bear with me.

your mouth. I think about it a lot. you know the way it does that thing, when you're winning? the thing where one corner curls up and there's a shadow of a dimple? that. I think about that. imagining it pressed on mine (or on my neck, I'm not picky) is the highlight of my day. 

did I ever tell you that I love you? have since fourth grade. the way you looked in that classroom, with the sunlight in the windows? my bisexual awakening. you were so smart and pretentious even in fourth grade. who knew I'm into that? not me, but probably maya.

you changed my life for the better. I was a lonely kid with no friends, in a strange town, and you took me and made me whole. I remember meeting in the rain to deliver your signal samurai keychain. you stepped to me, putting your umbrella over the both of us, and our bond was formed. I think of that moment often, love.

anyway the present you is coming to take me home. I must go. think of me fondly and don't die.

all my love,




vodka is incredibly delicious when the love of your life has just committed suicide. you'll never read this, but what the hell, dude???  you couldn't have followed literally the most basic piece of advice in my last letter? all I asked was to think of me fondly and don't die. I can imagine if you hadn't done the first thing, but to be unable to not die? now I'm sad and angry. 

two not even confirmed to the public scandals (the word won't is scratched out here) wouldn't have ruined your career, anyway. and now I'm left here, adrift in a world with no friends but maya. we had just started becoming close, maybe turning into something else? now I'll never know.

do you know your sister hates me now, too? she showed up demanding revenge, and accused me of murdering you? she's TERRIFYING! you have sicced a woman with a whip on me. I am suffering, miles.

if I ever see you again, in the afterlife, I'll hate you for a month then kiss you until you can't stand. I will never stop loving you, somehow. if we ever had become real, you could have looked back on this letter and know that it's not just the physical. all I wanted, darling, is to wake up with you next to me on the pillow. you sleepily look towards me, hair all messed up, and I kiss you. maybe in another life.

meet me in my dreams. they're always about you.

(the letter is left off here and there is a mark like someone dragged the pencil down the page, it appears someone pulled phoenix away from his letter)



you're back. you were not dead, you have been in europe??? you play games with my fragile heart. how do you piss me off, but also make my heart beat faster every time I see you? blasphemy. pure blasphemy of the highest order.

but. but also. when you came back, you hugged me. and it wasn't a big deal, but it was also so very much a big deal. I could smell your cologne, feel the texture of your suit for the first time in a year. a YEAR, miles. you let me think you were dead for a year. we'll find out if I can ever forgive you for that.

you told me you were deeply sorry, and you missed me, and that helped. you blushing while saying the second thing helped even more, and I do apologize for my sudden departure then. it is not that I was angry (though I was), it was more that seeing you all rumpled and red-eyed like that, leaving was all I could do to avoid kissing you then and there.

after all this, I still don't know if (there are several things scratched out, including "you love me back," "you feel the same," and "you want to build a life together") you still want to spend time with me. I suppose you are the one who should be saying that, but the self esteem issues go crazy when you're drunk and you're writing a letter to the formerly dead love of your life at 3 in the morning.

I will send this letter, and hopefully you will meet me for dinner on June 1st at 7, at that restaurant we would always go to as kids. I wish to talk.

you shatter my heart and rebuild it again. I love you forever and then another billion lifetimes.




Maya has just (with your permission) sent me all of the letters you wrote me since we met all over again. I expressed my wish of using them in the arch at our wedding, and she thought that was the "most terrific idea I've ever heard!" Do not worry, as I will not rip or mangle them.

I have been reading my way through them, and I'm not ashamed to say I have cried a multitude of times. You really pour your heart out in these letters, and the drunk ones are especially emotional. I cannot express how much I love you, but it has doubled at the very least while reading these.

I am also so sorry about leaving for Europe the way I did. The note was supposed to symbolize the death of my old ideals, and reference all the murder cases we solved together. I was in such a hurry to leave that it did not occur to me you might have taken it literally.

You may wonder how someone with a mind like mine did not notice in the whole year I was in Europe, but I was trying as hard as I can to not think of you, as you crossed my mind at least once per hour. Do you remember that time I stayed at your apartment, and you changed in front of me, so I saw you shirtless for a brief moment? That is what I thought about every night as I fell asleep.

I must go to work on more preparations, but I will end my letter the same way you ended all of yours.

Imagine us together, and know it will be no longer fiction in a mere month. You have my heart forever and again, darling.

Miles Edgeworth

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