。゚•┈୨♡୧┈•゚。 2. w̳h̳e̳n̳ h̳e̳ s̳e̳e̳s̳ m̳e̳ 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈•゚。

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summary: phoenix wright thought that the phone call informing him that maya had been kidnapped was the worst phone call of his life.

he was wrong.

(also the doctor has tan skin and straight black hair and hot pink lipstick but I couldn't figure out how to work that in so here you go)

It was a lazy afternoon at the Wright Anything Agency. Apollo was working on a case ("Loser!" Athena had called into the workroom, which he'd ignored), Trucy and Athena were playing a 'mewing simulator' to see who could get a higher score in 30 minutes, and Phoenix was laying on the couch, facing the ceiling and idly daydreaming.

Miles had texted saying that he was finally finished with his investigation (he was going against Apollo, which was going to be interesting to watch) around an hour ago. Phoenix was starting to get worried, as it was only a 30-minute drive from where he was to the Agency.

We should have enabled location sharing, Phoenix thought wryly. It's no big deal. He'll be fine.


Phoenix tried to push down the anxiety, and was mostly successful until the phone rang. "I'll get it!" Trucy chirped, hopping up from the floor and ignoring Athena's complaints. She ran over to the Agency phone and picked it up, saying, "Hello, Wright Anything Agency! What can I do you for?"

"Mhm," she said, then covered the receiver and called, "Daddy, it's for you!"

Phoenix groaned in sync with his complaining back as he sat up, popped it, and shuffled over to take the phone from Trucy.

"Phoenix Wright, speaking," he croaked.

"Hi, this is Regency Hospital," a clerical female voice said. Phoenix's stomach sank, but he ignored it for long enough for her to continue with, "I'm calling because one Miles Edgeworth was in a car accident, and he told the paramedic to call this number before passing out."

She rattled off the address of the hospital and some platitudes about how Miles would be fine, but Phoenix wasn't listening in the least. "Fuck," he muttered, ignoring the click of her hanging up.

He dazedly put the phone down before saying, "Apollo, hold down the fort. I have an... errand to run." Apollo shouted back affirmation and Phoenix grabbed his keys before running out the door, breezing past Trucy's concerned look.

He pedaled all the way to the hospital (it was fairly far, but Phoenix couldn't have told the difference between 2 and 22 miles at that point), running on a combination of adrenaline and bone-deep worry. The cold wind stung his cheeks and the route was mostly loud city streets, but you could have dropped the Liberty Bell in front of him and he wouldn't have noticed, as worry-spiraling as he was.

He skidded to a stop in front of the hospital, hurriedly tossing his bike in the bike rack with zero regard for bike locks or theft. He rushed inside, almost running into the front desk. The bewildered clerk looked up at him, and he said, "I'm here to see Miles Edgeworth, my husband. I understand that he was a victim of a car accident. What room is he in?"

His tone came out clipped and terse, so he didn't fault the kid for giving him a weird look before beginning to type on his computer. God, I'm old, he thought as the kid made a small ah noise and turned back to him.

"Ward 17, second room on the left," he said, and Phoenix was into the hallway by the fifth word, calling out "Thanks!" over his shoulder. He sped past nurses and doctors, muttering 7, 8, 9...

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