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day 3: free day (klapollo!!!!!!!!!! klavier is so silly <3)

There was a room, in the Prosecutor's Office. It had a large golden window that faced west, so the owner got to see beautiful sunsets every day. The window was framed by lush red velvet curtains, the dark shade complementing the rich blue paint of the walls. All the desks and shelves in the room were an expensive mahogany oak with gold trims, creating a very lush atmosphere when combined with the rare tropical plants placed in pots around the room.

It had been out of use for a few years, as the Prosecutor's Office was mildly understaffed. No one knew who watered the plants (though rumor had it that it was Detective Gumshoe, on Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth's orders) so the room could usually be relied on to be as empty as a graveyard at midnight.

Apollo Justice wasn't paying attention to any of these nice characteristics, however, as he was busy taking advantage of the room's emptiness and out-of-the-way location to press his boyfriend against a desk.

Klavier was in the middle of running his hand up Apollo's thigh when they heard a noise from the door. Apollo turned his head to look at the door, much to Klavier's dismay (as he let out a small whine). The door was swinging open, and Klavier sat up to look as well.

The door revealed their respective bosses making out against the doorframe. Mr. Wright's hand was on Mr. Edgeworth's ass even as he was being pushed into the frame, and Klavier let out a strangled sound before Apollo grabbed his hand and pulled him behind the desk.

"Was zum Teufel!" Klavier whisper-exclaimed and he crouched next to Apollo. "How do we get out of here without our bosses seeing us?"

"I don't fucking know, Klav!" Apollo whispered back. "God, I hope they don't start undressing in the office while we're in it."

Klavier coughed in shock and realization, but Apollo quickly shoved a hand over his mouth to muffle the sound. "Mien Gott, I think they're doing this during a court recess!"

Apollo racked his brain for trial schedules and said, "Fuck, I think you're right! We have to try and sneak out before they notice us. If they have enough time to do this, I do not want to be here if things get more..."

"Involved?" Klavier suggested, smirk playing at his lips. Apollo groaned silently and peeked over the desk to see their bosses against another desk, and somehow they'd gotten even less PG during the few minutes of his and Klavier's conversation. Klavier peeked out next to him and mouthed, We could probably bang cymbals together and those two wouldn't notice, as into each other as they are.

Apollo nodded and pulled Klavier behind him, sneaking around the opposite edge of the room from the one where their bosses were. They were almost at the door when Klavier kicked one of the potted plants and yelled, "Scheiße!"

Mr. Edgeworth's head snapped toward them and Apollo froze, Klavier busy hopping around and clutching his foot. Apollo grabbed his hand to stop him from knocking something expensive over as Mr. Wright lazily inclined his head their way.

Mr. Edgeworth's face was rapidly turning red. He opened his mouth to say something, presumably to reprimand them, but Apollo looked at Klavier and hissed, "Run."

Klavier followed the command with remarkable speed despite his dramatics, and they both ran out of the door and full-out sprinted down the hallway outside the door. They didn't stop running until they were standing outside the door to the imposing building, heaving heavily.

"Well that was certainly an... adventure, schatzi," Klavier said breathlessly. Apollo nodded in response and said, "Yeah. Do you think that they think we're together?"

ᵘⁿⁿᵉᶜᵉˢˢᵃʳʸ ᶠᵉᵉˡⁱⁿᵍˢ - narumitsu/wrightworth/klapollo drabblesWhere stories live. Discover now