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22 3 1

day 5: medieval/fantasy au

Once upon a time, there was a prince.

He lived happily in a palace with his father, for many years. 

Once, his father took him to the sea. The young prince, while on a beach stroll, met a mermaid boy.

The boy was the most beautiful thing the young prince had ever seen, with a tail like blue velvet and a smile that made the sun pale in comparison.

The prince resolved to do anything within his power to keep this eighth wonder of the world by his side, and they were inseparable from that moment on.

But fate can be cruel, and the young prince's father was killed. It was framed as an assassination attempt, and the young prince was sent away to live with Duke Von Karma in the mountains.

The boy's heart was crushed, but life went on. He was training to become an artist, just like his father. 

That changed when one day, swimming near the border, he heard a peasant woman talking to her friend.

Did you hear? Prince Edgeworth has decided to name himself "Emperor" instead of "Prince," taking after Von Karma, before his downfall.

Oh I heard, all right. Have you seen the notices sent out? He's going village to village to "purge them of corruption." My brother lives in Benswane, and he said the Prince - sorry, "Emperor" - threw everyone who wasn't absolutely perfect in the dungeons. Some villages have all been thrown in the dungeons! And all in the pursuit of "justice."

That's awful. He wants us to call him "Emperor?" How about we call him "Demon Emperor," instead!

That is what we shall do. Ugh, I'm just going to leave this notice here. Good as trash, it is.

The boy swam up, once he was sure they were gone, to pick up this notice. What he saw on this scroll - good as trash, the woman had said - shocked him.

He saw the prince, the boy he'd fallen in love with all those years ago, looking for all the world the picture of cruelty. But he knew the prince better than anyone, and he saw the carefully concealed hurt behind those beautiful green eyes.

Just like the crabs that scuttled through his town, the prince had been put in a harsh environment and had been forced to form a shell.

Just like the prince had promised the day that they met, the boy swore that he'd find a way to rescue his prince, from the metaphorical tower. He saw the date the prince was to visit this village, and knew in his heart what he had to do.

The moment he returned home, he resigned from art school and immediately enlisted, requesting an espionage position. He passed every test thrown at him with flying colors, and was sent to transform and live among the humans, passing intel about the general attitude of humans toward the merpeople all the time.

Just after arriving, his mentor died unexpectedly and the boy was promoted to head of the spy network in the village. The very next day, the prince arrived.

Everyone gathered in the village square to see a resplendent golden stage with the prince at its center flanked by too many soldiers to count.

Stormy green eyes swept the gathered crowds, who were as silent as a funeral. He gestured to his soldiers to arrest anyone he found lacking, and they wailed and clutched for their loved ones.

Every time this happened, pain flashed in those green eyes the boy loved so much. To a casual observer (though here there were none), it may have looked like vindictive pleasure. The boy felt his heart ache for the boy-king that stood before him.

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