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day 4: guilt/healing (damn they really just threw in hurt/comfort here huh) (why do I have to write PLOT I just wanna write CUDDLES) (forgive me idk how airports work)

Phoenix Wright was moping.

He did this fairly often, actually. Tonight, Trucy was at a friend's house (Good, she has friends. Hopefully I'm not the worst father. ) so it was worse. He sat on the couch in front of a show that he could not give less of a shit about, having not moved in the past hour.

Phoenix heard the door click and looked up to see Miles Edgeworth letting himself in. Miles tucked his key back into his coat pocket before hanging said coat in the closet by the door.

"Good evening, Wright." Miles said, brushing his pants off because of course he did. Phoenix felt a small smile grace his face at the sight of his friend's strange behavior.

"Hi, Edgeworth. What's the reason for the drop-in?" Phoenix asked. He stretched, not noticing how Miles' eyes flicked to the tiny strip of exposed skin that he revealed. "How's your latest case?"

"Fine." Miles said stiffly, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "I'm here to help. I heard about your disbarment, and I sent the last week clearing my schedule so I could be here for a time to assist."

Phoenix scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I don't need your fucking charity, Edgeworth." Brief hurt flashed across Miles' face, before he took a step closer to Phoenix.

"Be that as it may," Miles said, "I did not come here to offer charity. I came here to offer help, as a friend." During this declaration, he had somehow gotten closer to Phoenix, and placed a hand on the ex-defense attorney's shoulder.

Phoenix shrugged off the touch, even though a part of his brain was begging him to lean into Miles' touch. "My point still stands. What were you even gonna do, anyway? Wave your magical credit card and make all my and Trucy's money problems go away?"

Miles looked confused, and the hurt returned. "First of all, I was going to make you macaroni and cheese, and talk to you about your life. Second of all, who is Trucy?"

"Uh..." Phoenix rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. "My daughter?" His voice cracked on the second word, and Miles' jaw dropped.

He quickly recovered, however, responding with, "Wright, you have a daughter? How? When? How did they let you adopt her?" 

"Okay, let me start at the beginning. sit down, this might be a lot." Miles obligingly sat down, far too close for Phoenix's dignity and peace of mind. "Remember the Zak Gramarye case?" 

Miles nodded. "So when he disappeared, he left Trucy behind. I took her in, and she originally was shy but has since warmed up to me. I hope. She was enrolled in school by Gramarye, thank God, so that wasn't an issue. The only problem is that he has to be missing for at least a month before I can legally adopt her, and by then my situation would be worse so I'm not sure they'd let me."

Phoenix groaned and dragged a hand down his face. "God, I'm trying so hard. It's only been a week, but I already feel like I'm failing. She doesn't even have school supplies! She's at a sleepover tonight, but I can't usually feed her well when she's here."

Miles looked at Phoenix with steel in his gaze. "You are not failing. Money issues do not make or break a father, it's how you care for her. And knowing you, you care with your whole heart." Phoenix sniffled, but didn't respond. "I can pay for her school supplies, pay for tutoring if she needs it, hell, I'll even pay for therapy if that's what she needs."

Phoenix was about to surrender to Miles' care, but something in him wanted to salvage his broken pride, wanted to feel like he was in a position of power, wanted to feel something. He turned, snarling, towards Miles. "What the fuck, Edgeworth?"

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