chapter 2

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"I have a girlfriend"

"Hold on you mean to tell me you have a girlfriend and you wanna come take me out, lipse me up and almost have sex with me? What kind of boyfriend is that?"

"Its a long story just let me explain"

I got up put my clothes back on then walked out, he followed me down the stairs watching me walk out the house, I didn't have time for no fuck boy

"Aiden your nice and that, but I think we should just be friends"

"Yeah bless, I'll see you whenever then?"


I walked back to my house, when I got in I went straight upstairs to bed

-ay yuh tight pumpum gyal, mi love when yuh skin out fi mi fuck yuh mmhmm, Mi lo...-

Stfu, stupid alarm waking me up like say I ain't tired, I got up and made my way to the bathroom, I did my hygiene then came back to my room, I creamed with cocoa butter, sprayed with sure deodorant and my Beyonce heat perfume, I left my curls out and did my usual makeup, I put my uniform on, with my black airmax 90's and walked down the stairs to the kitchen grabbing my black handbag on the way "any bitch finna start beat her raaas down ya hear?"

"LOOOL dad I don't need telling twice" my dad's actually kl yano

"same goes for you shanice"

"Mum I think I know that already"

My parents know how it is, I take after my mum, & derell takes after my dad, my mum loves dick just as much as me & derells just a top roadman like my dad, noone fucks with them, anyway my mum dashed some money at me .. The cheek lool, I grabbed it and walked out the house
"Bye bitches"

I walked to school coz it was only down the road, I can't lie half of me was scared for my life cah I haven't seen these people for 2years, I just up and left without saying anything, the other half of me didn't give a fuck, I soon reached, as soon as I stepped foot in the yard all eyes were on me, I felt like Beyonce LOOL, I was about to go inside when I got stopped by one peng mixed race boy, he had green eyes, peeeng

"Yoo b what's your name?"

"Neveah, you?"

"Tyrone, you new?"

"Erm yeah but no, I used to come here but I left 2 years ago now am back and you? How long you been here?"

"Year and a half, lemmie take you to your lessons"

I nodded then went with him to reception to get my new timetable, I was in his form and most of his lessons so it was live, we walked into our form room and everyone was chillin, luckily noone recognised me

"Okay class we have a new student, her name is neve... Neveah? Is that you? You used to come here??"

"Yeah Mr Madden I'm back"
I winked at him and went to sit down with tyrone, everyone came and sat on my table bare preein asking questions I just airred the questions and told them all to pin me, they soon went about their business, then one buff lighty walked in she was actually really peng, she looked familiar too

"Erm who's this sket sat in my seat?"

This girl looked hench but I didn't give a fuck if you get rude I'll bad you up dumb bitch who's she talking to?

"I know you ain't talk to me bitch, I beg you come off it"

Everyone went silent, until one boy spoke
"Shardenaé stop fighting man, use used to be so close now look at use kmrct"

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