chapter 6

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"Don't be silly, tahlia got duppied? She had a funeral and everything"

"Iyte believe what you want, but when you get duppied its your own fault"

With that she walked out, idk what she was talking about tbh, but I ain't really fussed

-3 weeks later-
I can't believe its mums funeral today, I miss her so much, why did she have to go so early? I can't live with this, hopefully kemani comes too, I started bawling again for the 10 billionth time, kemani came and hugged me tight making sure I know he's there for me no matter what, he helped me get ready, then we made our way to the funeral cars, I didn't talk to anyone for the whole day, I wanted to be alone, I wish she didn't go..

"Come on babe, be strong, she wouldn't want you to be like this"

"That's what everyone says to make you feel better"

Kemani kept quiet coz he knew I was right, when we got to the church all my family and friends were there, expecting me to smile and shit, don't vex me, her coffin was at the front it weren't even open so we couldn't say bye properly.. I looked around at everyone bare smiling and shit, wtfs wrong with them? There was one girl I didn't even recognise, she was staring right at me, hate in her eyes, I don't even know the girl so dunno why she's screwing me? It was time to lower mum into the ground, I stood in front of the coffin, the girl was right behind me so I moved round to the side, she kept following me, they lowered mum into the ground and covered it with mud, this girl had been following me around for the whole time ive been there so, I thought enough is enough

"Who are you"

"Dw bout that babe just know this is gonna be you soon"

With that she walked off, what just happened? Was she threatening me? Right now that's the last thing on my mind, I've been throwing up all week, must be some bug going round, but it was bare disgusting

"Kee can we go yours please? I need to lie down, I feel sick"

He nodded then we went his, as soon as I got in I went straight to his bedroom and stripped naked, I got under the covers and tried to sleep, kemani did the same so I lay on his chest, I saw his dick getting hard so I started to play with it, kissing his chest all the way down till I got to his piece, I started licking it up and down nice and slow, making him shiver with pleasure, I started licking the tip, making him breathless, licking it nice and slow, I slowly put my lips around it sucking on it lightly teasing him, I started sucking faster, he was loving it

"I'm gonna cum.."

I stopped just before he came, I kissed his lips then straddled him, I put his piece inside my pussy riding him slowly, my tight pussy was wrapped nicely around his big dick, each time I let out a moan I could feel his dick throbbing inside me, I started going faster, rotating my hips, he started thrusting his hips in sync with me, I was gonna cum..

"Ahhh fuck, YEEEESS!!!"

I slowed down making sure he got every last bit of pleasure from my pussy, I started wanking him off

"Ahh babe its sensitive"

"What? Why?"

"I just came lool"

I looked at him in shock.. We didn't use protection this time ..

"Its okay babe, we can look after a baby"

I nodded, he got up and walked towards the shower, when he got in he got a text on his phone

"babe you got a text" I shouted towards the bathroom

"What does it say?"

I opened the text

When we gonna have that sesh again, you gave me that good good dick, call me xxxx

"Babe... What does it say?"
I walked towards the shower with his phone, he opened the door

"who the fuck is imarni?" He stayed quiet, I started punching him up

"Veah... Shes trying.. trying.. She's trying.."

He couldnt finish his sentence coz i kept punching him, then he grabbed my arms

"Iyte kl"

He waited till i calmed down and let go of my arms, i went to the bedroom amd put some clothes on, then i ran out the house with his phone, i texted the girl back

Meet me at the park near mine xxxx

Sweet xxxx

When I got to the park I saw this peng lighty stood there waiting, I walked up to her "Are you imarni?"

"Yes why who are you?"

"Why you texting kemarni?"

"Why can't I? He's my boyfriend"

Omg.. How could he do this to me? With that I ran off..

I made my way to shantell & terelles when they opened the door, I broke down, they both hugged me
"Aww what's happened baby"

"He cheated"

I was bawling my eyes out, they took me upstairs and sat me on the bed

"Who was it?"

"Some girl called imarni... Shit I still have his phone"


"Yes imarni.." She kept quiet & just looked at me

"Terelle why you just staring at me? Who is she?"

"She's had feelings for him from time, he doesn't like her, he wouldn't do that to you, she's done this to every girl he's been with, trust me"

I sat there and took in everything she said, terelle broke my train of thought
"urgh think I'm gonna come on my period"

I sat there and thought about when the last time I came on my period was.. I was due on last week?

"shit... I'm late!!"

"Want a pregnancy test? I have bare"

With that shantell went into her draw and pulled out a pregnancy test, I went toilet and pee'd on the stick, I turned it upside down so I couldn't see what it said, then i went back in the bedroom

"What does it say?"

I looked at it in shock

"Im ... Pregnant"

Might add chapter 7 later on today so keep your eyes open :)

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