Chapter 20 (final chapter)

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Aiden?... I couldn't even speak it felt so good, he unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans down. I grabbed his dick and shoved it in my mouth while Aaliyah fucked me, she picked me up and flung me round onto my hands and knees. Aiden shoved his dick inside me, I arched my back so I could feel every last inch of it inside me, he was thrusting so hard my pussy was throbbing. I shoved the strap on in Aaliyah's pussy in and out fast and hard, she was screaming my name I loved it. I was gonna cum ... Aiden fucked me faster until we both came at the same time. I licked Aaliyah's pussy and Aiden was gonna put his piece inside her, but she told him no. Aaliyah played with my clit rubbing it, and inserting her fingers inside me while my juices caused them to slip and slide. Aaliyah came all over my tongue and I licked it all up. We all got dressed and none of us said a word about what just happened. I went back to the room where I woke up and went to sleep.


Next day


I woke up from the sound of the front door being slammed. What time is it man, it's not even light outside yet KMT. I checked my phone 5:08am????? Nah bmt whoever just slammed the door it's onsight, I was tooooo pissed to even think. I jumped out the bed and stormed down the stairs into the livingroom, Aiden and Aaliyah were sat on the sofa chillin watching tv. "WHO THE FUCK JUST SLAMMED THE DOOR AND WOKE ME THE FUCK UP?" They both looked at me as if I was joking. Aiden turned back towards the tv, Aaliyah knew what I'd been through and knew I needed my rest... "Rah sorry that was just a few friends" I sighed and sat down on the sofa next to Aiden, he put his arm around me and I snuggled up into his chest.

6 months later
I decided to move back to London, everything was deaded by now. Aiden came back with me and me and Aaliyah agreed to keep in touch. I couldn't thank her enough for everything she did for me, she saved my life, put a roof over my head, food on the table. I loved her for it, it was weird because all that time I was staying there Aaliyah and Aiden were together, ngl it kind of hurt to see them together. They weren't even serious for the cheek, apparently they were on and off for a couple years in and out of relationships. They decided to leave it all behind and start fresh with different people. I was kind of happy to be fair but he didn't wanna be with me, he wanted some any chick called nia, but it's calm I'll show him what he's missing. Anyway, it's been 2 months since I saw Aaliyah and she pinged me to tell me she's down vauxhall sides at some hotel.

can't wait to see you girl!!! It's been a while, I've got some guy who wants to fuck us he's so peng😍😋xxx

This is why I love you 😭 I'm roasting aswell, I'll be there in 20 mins xxx

I've missed you b xxx

I've missed you too xxx

I dashed my phone on the bed and looked in the mirror, I looked bangin. Black high waisted jeans with a black vest top, some black block heels, & my black and red flowery kimono. My hair was slicked back into a high ponytail and my bangs to the side, and for my make up I did a nude look. True say I was lookin like Rihanna, peng ting like Neveah ahaha. I picked up my Paul's boutique bag and left out.

Aaliyah's pov
Can't believe that shit happened to me AGAIN. It's my own fucking fault for being so fucking stupid. I've gotta stop crying tho I can't let Neveah know I'm upset she'll go mental. After this I'm gonna get far away from him, I'm gonna go live with my baby. I mean I've never met him before but he's still my baby... I was so lost in train of thought that neveahs pings shit me up.

I'm outside the travelodge babe come get me!xxx

I'm not even gonna lie, they kicked me out the hotel room coz Darryl only booked it for 1 night, what a muppet he is. I'm sat in the lobby come in b xxx

Aireeeed. What a load. 2 minutes later I saw her pop her head through the door, I waved her over and she gave me a massive hug. She sat down on the sofa opposite me and just stared at me. "So where's this guy your so set on getting fucked by?" I laughed at her and picked up my phone to ping him. "I'm just going toilet I'll be right back." I nodded and watched her walk to the toilets.

Babes my girls here now come pick us up xxxx


What do you mean go suck my Mum, are you mad? So your not coming then?

Nah your some dumb yatt

I couldn't believe it, I'd actually been stupid enough to believe some random person would take me in? He was suppose to be my baby, we'd been talking for almost a year now.. we Skyped nearly all the time, so he was just playing me? Guys are fucking pricks.

Neveahs pov
I walked back from the toilet and Aaliyah looked bare upset. "What's up babes? Is he not coming?" She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "No, he fucking played me for a fucking year, I feel like a dick." She burst out crying in the middle of the hotel and I didn't know what to do. "Babe don't cry, there's other dicks out there that'll satisfy you more than he will. I just came on my period anyway loooool" she buss out laughing and we sat there for another couple hours catching up. It's crazy how far we've come, to think just 6 months ago I almost died...

I went back to my yard and ran a bubble bath, I just wanted to relax, I put on some tunes and closed my eyes. My life was sooooooo fucked, I just wanted my daughter back. I was in deep thought, thinking about my life and how I didn't wanna live it no more. I slowly put my head under the water and stayed there until I ran out of air. I was about to come back up when I felt hands covering my face pushing my head under. I struggled against them but they were too strong, I could feel myself drifting away and everything went black...

I opened my eyes and i was lay in a hospital bed, there was a little girl sat in the chair next to my bed. I didn't recognise her.. "Who are you?" She sat there and smiled, "how could you not recognise me??" I was getting vex at this point, was she taking the fucking piss? I tried to get up but my head hurt too much. "You won't be going anywhere any time soon, it's not time yet .... Mummy."

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