chapter 4

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I was so lost in my thought, I remember everything that happened that night, it was disgusting, I didn't think I was that type of person, the head teacher walked in interuptin my train of thought

"As everyone knows today is the last day of term and it is in fact the summer holidays, I hope you are all ready for year 11!! You need to revise, revise, REVISE!!!!!!"

Oh shut the fuck up prick noone gives a shit, at least I get to be off school, sick of this school already only been back 2days and my life is already getting ruined, everyone was dismissed so I walked out by myself ignoring everyone and making my way to the yard, I saw squad so I ran to them, they knew something was wrong

"What's up? Who we beefing?"

"Amaya allow it please?"

"Erm no, she won't allow it"
Why does Monique have to start maaan

"Fine, remember what I did to tahlia? Yeah faith said everyman's after me"

"I know someone called tahlia, shes proper lethal, she dont fuck about when it comes to beef, what did you do to her?"

"It dm but what did she look like Tyrone?"

"She has green eyes & black curly hair & you mean does?"

"Nah its not the one I'm talking about"

"Ahhh bless"

Thank god Tyrone didn't know her, imagine the beef we would have, jheeze, we all went to shantell and terelles house because we had nothing else to do, we based there for a while talking about what we used to do back in the day, tbh I was getting a bit roasty, and I needed some dick, I went and sat near kemani, but he screwed me

"Why the fuck you coming near me for?"

"I wanna sort this shit out"

"Neveah we are never gonna be safe okay?"

"Fine whatever"

I got up to walk back to my place, but I was dragged back, before I could speak kemanis lips were pressed against mine, woah.. I froze for a minute, is this really happening the guy I like? The one who hated me just a second ago? Lipsing me? I got a text which brought me back to reality, tbh I wanted more of his lips so I ignored it and carried on lipsing him, one thing led to another then clothes came off

"Bruv why you gonna do it in here for?"

Terelle was bare cussing loool, I didn't care I was so in the moment, he slowly inserted his piece into my pussy, making sure I feel every inch of it, my pussy was pounding enjoying every last bit of it, he was pacing himself


each time getting faster and harder, hmm I was in heaven, just as I was about to cum

*BAM* he pulled out.. I felt a warm liquid dripping out of me, my body was shaking viciously

"Hmmm, ahhhhh, YEEEEESS!!!"

"Bruv use are sick you know lool"

"I beg you shut your mouth shantell"

"Neveah you know you liked it doe LOOL"

"Melonique hush up please like you and Jerome weren't beating too kmt"

"Right everyone hush, Neveah? Will you be my girl?"

"Yesss" OMFDZZZ!!!!!! Dream come true!! Me and kemani?

"Right me and veah are heading back to mine"

"Don't have too much fun wink wink" lool this girl

"Melonique hush your mush dunno why your called melonique when you have no melons bitch" everyone was creasing, I dunno why she was getting vex doe coz she knows she's got MASSIVE tits loool

"Stop crying man you know you have big melons"

With that I walked out & followed kemani to his, by the time we got to his house it was 6:30pm, as soon as I got in the door I was attacked by 3 kids

"Kemani is that your girlfriend?"

Kemani ignored him and went to the livingroom, I followed in after him and said hi to his mum

"Hi darling, I'm raqaya"

"Hi, I'm Neveah, nice to meet you"

She smiled and went into the kitchen to start cooking

"Kemani who's your girlfriend"

"I'm Neveah, what's your names?"

"I'm shaquille I'm 10, raven is 12 and lashae is 13"

"Right fuck off now, you've met her, come veah"

"Don't be mean!!"

He went in a mood and walked up the stairs, I walked up after him and sat on his bed

"Sorry, I have behaviour problems"

"Your not the only one Mani"

He smiled and rested his head on my stomach, we lay there talking about our future, it was so sweet, he said he wanted 2 children, I wanted twins but I wasn't about squeezing them out my pussy hell to the no!! He started stroking my stomach and slowly moving towards my pussy, he was driving me crazy, rubbing my clit in rotational circles

"Hmmm baby, fuck me !!!"

I was dripping wet, I wanted him inside me, we both stripped naked, he started licking my nipples flicking them with his tongue, then his tongue started going lower, he was going in ham on my pussy, his tongue sliding up and down my clit, just before I was gonna cum he shoved his piece inside me pounding my pussy hard & fast, it was all the way in my stomach omdz!!! I was gonna cum again but this time he carried on even after I orgasmed, hmmm it felt so nice


That nice warm liquid poured out of me again, we used condoms so it was live, no babies yet, we lay there for ages trying to get our breaths back, I got bored and ended up falling asleep on his chest


I woke up & kemani wasn't in the room, I couldn't be arsed getting up so I decided to check my text from before, fuck.. I forgot all about Reece, but its a minor lool

I met up with your friend faith & another girl i forgot her name, but she said use are close, I was gonna come and surprise you, but they said your busy at some bre's house, whats his name? kemani? so I'll let you be with your boyfriend, bye Neveah.

Wow that really hurt, I guess a years long relationship is over, one thing that confused me was, how did faith know I'm at kemani's? Maybe its a set up? I saw kemani's phone on the side so I checked his texts, there were bare girls asking him to check him but he replied saying be has a girl aww my babe, I didn't see anything about a set up on there, so I put his phone back on the table, I might aswell go back to sleep


WTF? SOMEONE DASHED A ROCK THROUGH THE WINDOW? Kemani came running in the room..


"I'm fine..there's some paper attached to the rock.."

I went over to the rock and picked it up, I opened up the paper and looked at it in shock

"What does it say Neveah?"

I read it out ... Scared for my life..

"We know your back, its deep for you Neveah, your gonna die"

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