chapter 17

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Neveah POV
I come home to my brother lay naked with one girl that used to bully the fuck out of me?

"D'shae why are you here?"

"I thought you were dead"

"So you come fuck my brother?"

"No.. I came to pay my respects"


she stayed quiet coz she knew I was right, I wasn't gonna take no shit from her anymore, and derell? He can fuck off if he thinks me and him are speaking

"D'shae get out my house"

"She ain't going anywhere, she's my wifey whether you like it or not"

My brothers turned into a pussy boy ahlie?

"Just remember bloods thicker than water"

With that I walked to my bedroom, I started packing my stuff ready to go round to mine & Rhys new house, can't wait to see my baby girl alaya-mae, I've missed her so much my little munchkin, I finished packing then walked down the stairs, unfortunately the stairs led down into the living room so I walked in on d'shae and derell beating ewwww tramps, smelt of fish as well dutty pum deya, derell put his head up over the sofa

"Where do you think your going?"

I screwed him, dunno who he thinks he is tho "I ain't staying here, you mad? Moving in with my man"

"And who's your man? Don't make me come fuck him up"

"Don't act like you care, you dont even know about your niece and even if you did you wouldn't care"

With that I walked out, I didn't wanna stay in there any longer, I made my way towards my new house, rhys didnt know i was out today, but I was about to surprise him, the look on his face when he finds out I'm home Hehehe

I've never actually seen the house, I hope its nice, I had to use Google maps looool, its that deep, I soon reached the house... It weren't even a house it was a master mansion awoooooy my mans doing well rt, I already knew the password to get through the gates coz he told me hahahha

I typed it in then walked through what looked like the car park looool there were nuffffffff cars parked, it weren't even neat but there were about 10 cars there

I got to the door and tried to open it but it was locked, I looked under the mat (where he keeps the spare key with what ever house he's at) luckily I found it, I opened the door slowly so he couldn't hear me then I turned into a spy looool

I looked all over the house there was noone in, kmt came at a bad time, I decided to take a tour round the house, i looked in all the rooms, there was a room which was turned into a massive wardrobe with bare female clothes & shoes in them, designer and everything aww my baby is so sweet, he shouldn't have.. I was actually getting so gassed yano like say I wasn't the only one in the room

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs but it weren't even one person, I was actually getting bare annoyed, who would he have round? I hid in the room and waited for them to start talking but all I could hear was alaya-mae crying

"I love you yano, idk what I would do without you here, I mean with Neveah in hospital and everything"

"I love you too darling, & don't worry about it, I'll be here anytime Neveahs not round"

Wtf that was a females voice? Hes cheating on me already? About I love you the dickhead, I knew what I was gonna do, I rang his phone

*ring* *ring*

"Ahhh neveahs calling me, I'll just chat to her later cah I'm busy atm"

He put the phone down on me & she began giggling, I could imagine him giving her 'the look' ughhh it disgusted me, it went silent, they must be doing their business, while my daughter is in the room kmt

I heard Rhys start to talk

"Let me go put alaya in her room & give her milk"

I used this opportunity to confront the girl, I waited till Rhys went past the room then I snuck into the room where she was, I didn't even let her speak

"Who are you? And why you in my mans house?"

I wasn't even gonna let her finish coz I didn't wanna here her lies, I grabbed her hair then dragged her off the bed, I started boxing her continuously in the face then kicked her down to the floor, she weren't even fighting back

"S..S..S..STOP!!!" I felt sly so I walked out the room leaving her on the floor, I walked into alayas room and stood in the door way, Rhys looked at me & a massive smile was pinned on his face

"Welcome home baby"

"Don't give me that bullshit, your cheating on me already?"

The smile went off his face, he looked bare confused, but dunno why he's trying to hide the fact he's blatantly cheating

"What you on ab..."


he put alaya in her cot then closed the door behind us, he pushed me into the bathroom

"You do realise our daughters sleeping in there and you wanna shout off your mouth about I'm cheating? Are you actually dumb?"

How is he calling me dumb omdzz???

"No I'm not dumb I've seen it with my own eyes"

"How can you see it with your own eyes if I've not cheated?"

"The evidence is in 'our' room"


He walked out the bathroom and I followed behind him, he walked into our room & stood in the middle of it looking around the room, the girl wasn't in there anymore

"So what's the evidence?"

"She was in here a minute ago"

He looked at me & fell to the floor laughing

"'m...cheating with her?"

He started laughing even more, he was starting to piss me off


He got up and tried to hold my hand but I clenched my fists so he pulled me by my wrists instead

"Where you taking me?"

He wouldn't stop laughing

"Emily where are you?"

"In the bathroom, what do you want?"

He pulled me towards another bathroom and walked through the door

When he saw her he looked pissed


"your girlfriend did this to me"


"because your cheating on me with her"

I was starting to get shook coz Rhys looked like he was about to kill me tbh


I shook my head


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