chapter 13

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"Mum? Your alive?"



"I had too many people after me, I was told its best I fake my death, but these people that were after me? They've cooled it with me, we roll with each other now"

"So why am I gonna die?"

"Because tahlias in my squad"

"Mum.. Don't do this, you have a gra... Wait? Tahlia? She's dead?"

"You rea.."


"Dad she faked her death she's sick in the head, she said she's gonna kill me"

"Anton I swear I didn't say that at all.."

"You faked your fucking death? Do you think I'm a dickhead? & tahlias in your squad? She's a little girl, YOUR DAUGHTERS FUCKING AGE!!"

"Anton I love you.. I swear I wanna come back"

My dad pulled his strap out and held it up to my mum..


I stood there staring at both my parents, blood escaping their bodies, Aiden came running down the stairs,

"OMFG!!!" I grabbed my phone and dialed 999

Hi, what service would you like?

Ambulance please

What is your emergency?

My parents.. They've been shot

Okay darling, the ambulance is on its way

I locked off.. I had to dispose of the gun.. I ran into the kitchen and got a plastic bag & some tissue, I took my dads gun and wiped his finger prints off then placed it in the bag

"WHERE YOU GOING? YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH THEM?" i ignored him and ran to the park, i dropped the gun in the bushes taking the plastic bag with me, I ran back to the house and derell was there


"I have they're on their way.."

Just as I said that the ambulance pulled up and paramedics were flooding in the house, I couldnt take it anymore I wanted to be with my daughter, I went upstairs and lay with alaya on aidens bed, soon after Aiden came upstairs

"Why you not going to the hospital?"

"I can't handle everything that's just happened, how is my mum alive she had cancer?"

"Listen.. She's your mum, I know she lied about having cancer but you need to forgive her.."

I lay there staring at him in disbelief

"Neveah ... She's your mum"

I turned round to face alaya and blocked him out, my eyes began to close & I was drifting into a deep sleep..


I woke up and alaya wasn't next to me, i jumped up and ran down the stairs


"chill.. She's with my mum in my room"

I nodded then went back upstairs, i started packing my bags, I wasn't staying here any longer, when I finished packing my bags I carried them to my house, I hadn't been for time.. I unpacked all my clothes back into my wardrobe, then I unpacked alayas things, I walked back to aidens then took alaya from aidens mum

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