chapter 8

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I can't believe he just hit me.. Why would he do that?

"Omg.. Neveah im so sorry, i didmt mean to hit you!!"

"Get the fuck out my house now"

I knew he wasn't going anywhere so I walked out my house, I knew exactly where I was going, I got on the bus and sat at the back, that girl from the funeral got on after me

"I'm not following you if that's what you think"

"I didn't say anything"

"But you were thinking it, where you off?"


"You pregnant?"

"Yeah, getting rid, my boyfriends being a prick"

"I'll come with you"

I nodded, for the rest of the journey we sat there getting to know each other, her names Charmaine

"You know I heard about what you did to that tahlia chick?"

"I don't wanna talk about it" I didn't wanna be known as that set up chick tbh


"I dont know what I was thinking tbh, she was my bestfriend"

"Why did you do it?"

"She beat my brother, obviously I was that vex I set her up, my boys tied her up & I started boxing her up.."

I started bawling, she came and hugged me

"I was gonna leave, but one of my boys passed me a knife and some vinegar, so I cut her & poured the vinegar into her cuts, idk what happened after that.. But all I know is that I fucked up bad, I miss her I never should of done that to her, she was basically my big sis.."

"Your sick you ahlie? But rt if she was alive right now she would probably forgive you"

"No she wouldn't .. It was fucked up what I did.. I don't even forgive myself tbh"

she nodded then we got off the bus, we walked to the clinic then went to the receptionist

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"Neveah brown, I want an abortion"

"Please take a seat"

Me and Charmaine sat in the waiting room, it was silent the whole time, she held my hand to reassure me

"I'm here babe don't worry about it"

"Miss Neveah brown?"

We stood up and followed the man, he was actually bare peng tbh

"So Neveah? You want an abortion correct?"


He handed me two tablets with some water

"Take one today then another tomorrow"

I looked at the tablets in my hand, do I really wanna do this? I dropped the glass onto the floor, along with the tablets, I ran out the clinic & made my way to the bus stop, Charmaine followed me

"Maybe this baby is something I need? I've shut everyone out apart from kemani, but you know what I'm keeping this baby whether he likes it or not"

"I'm gonna help you babe, don't worry about it"

We made our way back to mine, when we got in dad was sat on the sofa cuddling up to shanice


He airred me.. He needs to realise he's not the only one who's lost mum..

"Fine air me, I ain't fucking staying here no more"

I walked upstairs and grabbed 5 of my suitcases, I started packing my belongings into them

-1 hour later-
Me and Charmaine finally finished packing my stuff

"you can stay at mine if you want, my mums in barbados for like 3 years"

"Thanks bae"

We made our way to her house, her yard was massive

"I'm going to my mans yard yeah I'll be back soon"

"Iyte bless, I'll go out then"

"Here take the spare key so you can get back in, & the codes 2468"

I nodded then walked out, I was going to his house, hopefully he still lived here, I knocked on, as soon as he opened the door, the smell of weed hit me

"Can I have some?" Smerkz just stood there staring at me, some next any boy thought he could answer for him

"Nah not the weed you can sniff the cocaine tho"

"Did I ask you or did I ask smerkz? Some run down blick monkey" everyone started bussin up

"Neveah getting on to man loool, what's up anyway haven't seen you since tahlia"

"I moved to north for a bit I'm back now tho, & I'm feeling some dick still"

I stripped naked and walked up to smerkz bedroom, smerkz and tremaine followed me, I sat on the bed & they whipped their dicks out, I started sucking smerkz' dick while Tremaine licked my pussy, I was in so much pleasure

"Mhmm, mhmm"

I was moaning bare loud, I took smerkz's dick out my mouth, he picked me up and sat me on his dick, Tremaine put his in my batty, it hurt a little but it was sliding in and out easily, he must of used lube, they were thrusting in unison, hard and fast "AHH, FUCK ME, YEESS, MORE!!"

I was enjoying myself so much that I forgot about kemani, thats when the door opened

"Neveah.. Wtf?"


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