chapter 18

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8 months later
Me and emily made up, she's actually so nice & understanding its actually mad, alayas 9 months now she's getting big, she can sit up now, shes such a little cutie

"Whos mummy's little girl eyy?"

She gave me the most biggest smile ever, with her glistening blue eyes & deep dimples, I wanted to go out today me alaya & Rhys, our little family

"Rhys I wanna go out somewhere, me, you and alaya"

"Come I'm gonna take use shopping"

I smiled at him and picked alaya up, I put her in her pushchair then exited the house, I loved Rhys so much, hes been the best boyfriend ever.. I didn't think I'd be with him, never mind last, we soon reached the shopping centre, memories started flooding back of when I used to get about, I haven't had dick in me for a while, I think its time I got some

"Rhys baby I've got a surprise for you when we get home"

"What's that"

I winked at him, he looked at me like I'm some any yatt

"Not today Neveah"

"Why not? Come on" I slyly gropped his dick, but he pushed my hand away, why's he moving anti for?

"What the fucks wrong with you?"

"I don't fucking wanna be with you anymore, your a fucking sket"

I stood there and watched him walk away, wtf? He brought me all the way here just to say he don't wanna be with me, its iyte coz that's my house we're living in, he can go suck wood, I wanted to go out tonight, haven't had a night out for a while tbh, I decided to text my dad

Hey dad, you home?xxx

Ye, why whats up? You comin to see your old man?xxx

Yeah figured you aint met alaya so might aswell, omw xxx

Okay xxx

I made my way to my dads house, when I got there the door was open

"Dad?" No answer, wtf?

I pushed the pushchair inside, I took alaya out then went into the kitchen, there was noone here, I went upstairs to see if he was sleeping or something when I got to his bedroom his door was a jar, I opened the door and his bed was made, where was he?

Where are you?xxx

I didn't get a reply so I went into my old room, put alaya on the bed and put the pillows around her, she was getting sleepy, so I just left her there, I made my way to the bathroom and ran a bath. My dad knows about those coconut scented products still. I made sure to put loads of bubble bath in because everyone knows I love bubbles LOOOL. I couldnt even be arsed with my dad fucking about like that, telling me he wants to see me yet he isn't even in? Mans jarrin. I was legit sat on the toilet lost in train of thought thinking about how weird my life has turned out. Don't get me wrong I'm loving it, just me and my daughter from now on. I still need this night out tho, gonna see what Emily's saying. I picked up my phone and saw I had a text from an unknown number.

NEVEAH FI DEAD. I wonder... how's your man Rhys? Oh shit yeah LOOOOL HES DEAD!! Who's next?? Shanice? Derell? Ur dad? YOU? Or your baby? AHAHAHAHA


I jumped up from the sound of the front door slamming shut. I ran to the bathroom door and opened it to see some next girl stood there ballied up.

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