Chapter 4

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Night of the conference

The air was cool and crisp as Sara made her way to the venue of the conference, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. Eve had ensured her the night most likely would go smoothly, as these types off conventions more often than not received some form of threat. Still Sara couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right.

A steady stream off attendees started filling the venue, their footsteps echoing against the floor. Security personal stood in and outside off every entrance, scanning the crowd for any signs of trouble.

As the night progressed the atmosphere was filled with excitement. High profile individuals from around the world mingled in the grand foyer, engaging in animated conversations.

Sara couldn't help but taking many laps around the different halls. Her gaze was sweeping over the sea off faces, looking for any potential threat. The messages from a few days ago was still very much present in the back off her head. And she was more than less convinced that her new pen pal had something to do with the threats regarding tonight's event.

Picking up a few sliders from a table nearby Sara made her way over to Eve standing nearby a wall next to Bill. She placed herself next to them and listened in on their banter, while she focused on the person addressing the sea off people. 

As the night came to an end and people was starting to exit the venue, Sara lowered her shoulder for the first time in days. Suddenly feeling a little silly for being so concerned about tonight. As Eve had mentioned earlier, these kind off threats were not unusual.

She clapped her hands together with a smile, satisfied with how the night unfolded. As she was just about to turn to Eve, she was suddenly interrupted by a piercing scream. She exchanged a knowing glance with Eve for a second before they both sprung into action.

Rushing through the crowds off people, that seconds before had been making their way out into the London night, they found themselves in the backroom off the main hall. There lying on the ground was the politician surrounded by his stunned team.

Eve wasted no time in taking the commando, her voice steady as she issued orders for backup. Sara was in disbelief about the scene in front off her. How could this had happened? What could she possibly had missed to allow the threats to come alive?

With Eve's guidance, they delved into the investigation. While gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses, it fueled Sara's determination to bring the perpetrator to justice.


As chaos erupted in the aftermath of the politician's death, Villanelle was watching from the shadows with a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. She felt a rush of adrenaline going through her veins with the completion off her mission.

Admits the chaos her eyes lingered on Sara. A new MI6 intern assigned to asses the threat off her mission. She had checked her out after she first got information about the young detective, and had been intrigued ever since.

As she watched from the shadows, Villanelle knew Sara was onto her. With a playful smile she disappeared into the darkness. Leaving a trail off breadcrumbs for the detective. She knew that Sara would come looking for her, that she would be drawn into her world of danger and deception, whether she liked it or not.

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