Chapter 13

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Sara woke up that Saturday with a throbbing headache, and almost fell off her bed as she made her way to the kitchen for a glass of water. Last night they had celebrated Bill's birthday, she could barely hold her laugh in when Bill and Eve dueted a song from the movie frozen.

She was now planning to spend the entire day in her bed, not wanting to move a single muscle. When she soon after waking up then got called into work, she barely managed to drag herself to the shower. She was quick though, and arrived at the office early.

Eve bursted in late for once, with a croissant in her hands. She handed half of it to Bill, her eyes still twinkling with the remnants of last night's fun. Frank started the meeting with his usual sardonic humor. ''Turns out people are still murderous bastards on the weekend'', he quipped, earning a few fake chuckles. 

He brought up last night's party as the reason for Eve's tardiness and mine and Bill's tired eyes. I smiled faintly, trying to shake off the lingering fatigue. But hen Caroline started talking, and the room grew serious.

She explained there had been an assassination in Vienna of a Russian politician called Victor Kedrin. He was killed in the middle of the street, in broad daylight, with his girlfriend right beside him. ''Cool'' Eve muttered, earning her strange looks from around the table. 

Caroline continued, saying Kedrin's girlfriend was the only witness, and had not fled to the UK, requiring protection. As Eve whispered ''20 quid it was a woman'', Sara's mind immediately went to the mystery woman she hadn't seen in over a year. The precision, the boldness of the kill – it all fit her style. Sara felt a chill run down her spine, a mix of fear and anticipation. The woman might be back in the picture.

Eve's voice brought back Sara's thoughts. She asked if there was any CCTV footage from the scene, which Frank denied. 

Eve insisted on meeting the witness, something Bill wasn't up for at all. She had turned to Sara with a determined look in her eyes. asking her to follow her to the cafeteria.

Once they were seated Eve leaned in, her voice low. '' It must have been a woman, we need to find a way to get to the witness''.

Sara agreed with Eve, only a woman could have executed a murder like that.

A few days later, she was sitting in her bed, holding the locket she had been gifted, in her hands. The weight of it seemed significant, like a tangible connection to the woman that she couldn't shake. Sara hadn't been able to stop thinking about her since the night she received it. Slowly, she fastened it around her neck, feeling the cool metal against her skin.

Frank had informed the team that it indeed was CCTV footage from the murder scene, showing that the killer was a man. Eve however, had not been convinced. She had secretly interviewed the witness, who had described the murderer as a flat chested psychopath. When Eve now suddenly called, Sara was not surprised as she revealed how Bill had informed her that there had been no CCTV, and that Frank had lied.

Eve was now on her way to the hospital where the witness was staying, accompanied by a friend. She asked Sara to join her, who without hesitation, put on her gray coat and headed out to meet them.

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