Chapter 5

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A few days later Sara was finding herself walking down the streets of her neighborhood. It had been a few intense days after the night off the conference. Even with her having the day off Sara was not able to silence her thoughts or unwind from her work. The murder off the politician felt deeply personal. She had been going over the folder Eve had given har a million times, to see if she had missed any information.

The only clue she had now was the daunting text messagess she had recieved a week earlier.

She had been walking for almost 20 minutes when she was awoken by her own thoughts. She decided to step into a nearby café that she hadn't tried before. Unconsciously wishing she wouldn't bump into any trouble if she found herself in a new environment.

Sara decided to order another large cappuccino, as she hadn't ordered one since last time she went to a café. The day the unknown number had texted her.

As she sat down she decided to call her little brother Marcus. She had not heard from him in precisely 3 months as he would barely even answer her text messages. She lowered her phone in dissappointment when the call went to voicemail. Coming from a rocky childhood, she had been hoping that she and her brother would be able to stick together going into adulthood. Maybe he needed more time.

As Sara was sitting deep in thought, sipping on her coffee, a figured approached.

Standing in front off her was a woman, her presence commanding attention despite the casualness of her demeanor. Wearing a tailored black blazer, the high neckline off the purple blouse underneath added a touch off elegance to the ensemble.

''Mind if I join you?'' the woman asked with a charming smile. Her voice tinged with a hint off mischief.

Confused about who this person was, and slightly disappointed that her peace was interrupted yet again, Sara nodded slightly to the woman. ''Yea, sure'' she answered. Double eyeing her, Sara looked down on her phone. Trying to create an invisible wall between her and the woman.

As she settled down into the seet infront off her, the woman looked at Sara with a playful glimt in her eyes. A moment off silence passed before it was interrupted by the stranger. ''So, what brings you to this café?'' she asked, with a hint off curiosity.

Annoyed that this person keeps talking to her, Sara thought about  leaving the café or not as she looks up at the woman with furrowed brows. ''Just enjoying a day off I suppose'' she answered, plastering a fake smile on her face.

''Day off huh?'' the woman answers as her lips turn into a sly smile. ''Must be nice'' she continued. ''So, what is your excuse for hiding out in a place like this?''.

The woman's tone was casual, but there was an edge to her words. With a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes, she regarded Sara as the silence passed between them.

Looking at the stranger confused, an uneasy feeling started to buildup in Sara's chest. She shifted in her chair and pick up her coffee, eager to finnish it before she responded. ''Im not hiding. It's cozy in here'' she answered in a low voice.

The woman smirk widened at Sara's response. ''Cozy, huh?'' she mused. Leaning back in her chair. ''Well, I supposed there are worse places to be''.

The woman's tone was teasing, her words carrying a hint of mischief as she regarded Sara with a mix of curiousoty and amusement. There was an undeniable charm to her demeanor. The magnetic pull Sara felt towards her only made her spider senses scream louder as she locked eyes with the stranger.

The woman noticed Sara's mouth in a half open position, and her playful expression faded into a curious one, with a tint off amusement. ''Is everything alright?'' She asked, her voice laced with a tint of concern.

Without thinking Sara suddenly blurted out the words asking who this captivating stranger was. Not realizing what she had asked before the words left her mouth, the woman's mouth curled into another smirk.

With the silence creating a tension so thick Sara found it hard to breathe she quickly arose from her chair, collecting all her belongings. '' It was nice to meet you'' she muttered, meeting the womans eyes with her own. ''I guess, I gotta go feed my cat'' Sara desperatly lied as she made her way out off the café.

The woman watched Sara with a curious expression as she stood up. ''Of course'' she replied with a casual wave off her hand. ''Don't let me keep you. Give your cats my regards''.

Her tone was light, but there was a subtle undercurrent of something more in her words, a subtle aknowledge of the tension that hung in the air between them.

As Sara walked down the street away from the café she wasn't sure if she was acting out off line or if the encounter with this woman indeed was a strange one. With the stress from work the last few weeks she hadn't been herself, and she feared the harshness of life at MI6 was slowly turning her insane.

Quickening her pace as she remembered the strange messages she had received at a café merely a week ago, Sara heart skipped a beat as she turned around to look over her shoulder.  There, standing in the doorway of the café, was the strangers eyes fixed on her with an intensity that sent shivers down Sara's spine.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as she locked eyes with the woman, a silent exchange passing between them. As the stranger watched Sara from the doorway, a knowing smile played at the corners of her lips, a silent challenge lingering in her gaze.

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