Chapter 6

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Many days later, Sara found herself leaning over her computer in the safety of her bed, not able to sleep. With her thoughts racing through her mind a million miles per hour, she wasn't able to shake off the encounter with the strange woman two weeks earlier. 

The phone suddenly rang. With a sense of trepidation, Sara picked up the device and looked at the caller ID.

To her surprise it was Eve. With a deep breath she answered the call, her voice trembling slightly as she greeted her boss. ''Hello Eve, is everything alright?''.

There was a moment of hesitation on the other line before Eve responded, her voice tinged with urgency. ''I need to see you right away. There has been some developments in the case, and I think you might have some information that could help us''.

Sara's mind was racing with a flurry of questions, wondering what new twist could have emerged in the investigation of the politician's murder. Could it be connected to the text messages she had received?

Without hesitation she agreed to meet Eve, knowing that the answers she was seeking might lie hidden within the dept of the investigation. With a sense of determination she put on her shoes and coat as she made her way to the MI6 office building. As she got closer the echoes of the woman she had encountered earlier was still lingering in her mind. She felt a sense off embarrassment about how she had handled the whole situation.

She arrived at the office. Her short heels softly echoing against the tiled floor as she made her way to Eve's desk. With a deep breath she turned the corner into the office, greeted by the sight of Eve, with a stack of files spread in front of her.

''Ah you're here'' Eve said, looking up from her work with a nod of acknowledgement. ''I'm glad you could make it, there is something I need to discuss with you''.

Sara's curiosity peaked as she took a seat opposite Eve, her eyes lingering on the files scattered across the desk. ''What's going on?'' she asked.

Eve leaned forward, her expression serious as she began to explain the latest developments of the case. ''We have received new information about the murder of the politician'' she explained. ''It seems that there may be a connection to a series of similar incidents involving high – profile individuals'' Eve continued, meeting Sara's eyes. ''Based on the evidence we've gathered so far, there is no reason to believe these murders are not random acts of violence, but rather part of a large pattern orchestrated by a skilled and elusive perpetrator''.

Sara's stomach sunk at the implications of Eve's words, the gravity of the situation sinking in as she realized the enormity of what they were up against.

Eve placed a hand on top off Sara's as she continued slowly. ''Based on what we know so far, I believe you have been in contact with the perpetrator in some capacity''.

''Are you talking about the messages?'' Sara asked? A lumped formed in her chest as her earlier suspicions got confirmed. She knew there was something wrong about those texts.

Eve nodded solemnly, her eyes locking into Sara's. 

''Based on what we know so far, it's highly likely that they were sent by the same individual responsible for the murder''. ''But that's not all''. Eve continued. ''We have also uncovered evidence suggesting the perpetrator may have connections with someone within our own ranks''.

The revelation sent a shock wave through Sara, the implications from Eve hitting her like a ton of bricks. A sense of unease gnawed at the edges of her consciousness. Amidst the uncertainty, a nameless face came to mind.

As Sara and Eve contemplated their next move, a sense of urgency was hanging in the air. Driving them to take decisive actions in the face of danger.

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