Chapter 9

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Later that afternoon, as Sara was was going through the intel from the files Eve had handed her earlier that day, she noticed that a pattern in the assassinations matched the methods of the killer from the night of the Conference. She had just started to cross reference the new intel as her phone buzzed again, for the third time that day.

 Another message from the unknown number: ''Meet me tonight. Same café as before. 8 PM''.

Sara's heart skipped a beat. The café where she first had met her – the place where she had felt that strange connection. Sara was torn between reporting the message, and meeting her. The rational part of her brain telling her to inform Eve, but the excitement and curiosity also being too strong to ignore.

As the clock ticked closer to 8 PM, Sara gathered her belongings as she prepared to leave the office. Eve catched her eye as she headed out. 

''Going somewhere?'' she asked. Her tone casual, but her gaze sharp.

Sara smiled, trying to appear nonchalant. ''Just need to clear my head. I'll be back''.

Eve nodded, though she didn't seem entirely convinced. ''Okay, be careful''.

Sara gave Eve a final glance before she left the office and made her way down to the café, her heart pounding with anticipation. When she arrived the place was bustling with an evening crowd. As she took a seat at a corner table, her eyes scanned the room after any sign of the mystery woman.

Moments later, she appeared. Dressed impeccably as always, her presence commanded attention. She moved through the café with effortless grace, her eyes locking into Sara's as she approached the table.

''Right on time'', she said with a smirk as she sat down across from the young agent. ''I knew you couldn't resist''.

Sara tried to steady her breathing, meeting the woman's gaze. ''What do you want from me?'' she asked after a second, with genuine concern in her voice.

The stranger woman leaned in, her fingers brushing slightly against Sara's on the table. ''I told you, i'm curious about you''. The woman's eyes glinted with amusement, and something darker. ''Besides, I thought we could have a little fun together''.

The trill of of danger and intrigue was almost intoxicating. Despite her stomach warning her to be careful, Sara could not deny the pull the woman had on her.

She squinted her eyes, also leaning forward, not taking her gaze off the woman opposite her. ''Well what is your idea of fun?'' she asked, challenging her.

The woman's smile deepened, her eyes sparkling with mischief. ''Depends on how adventurous you're feeling'' she replied, her voice low and seductive.

Sara contained her gaze, raising her eyebrows, she felt a gush off curiosity, mingling with a hint of caution.

The woman tilted her head, studying Sara for a moment before standing up gracefully, gesturing for her to follow her. The two of them left the café, stepping out into the cool evening air. The mystery woman walked with confidence, her presence drawing curious glances from passersby.

Sara suddenly felt insecure about someone recognizing her with the woman, as she lead her down a series of narrow streets, until they reached a secluded park not far from the MI6 office. With the sound of rustling leaves and the distant hum off traffic, the woman stopped by a bench under a large oak tree, the dim light casting a shadow across her face.

''Here we are'', she said, sitting down and patting the spot next to her. ''Perfect for a little privacy''

Feeling uneasy about being so close to Eve and the rest off the team, in the company off someone who might be the murderer off the case they are working on, Sara reluctantly sat down in the spot next to the woman.

The woman turned to Sara, her expression more serious now, the playful edge giving way to something deeper.

''Tell me'' she said, her voice soft but intense, ''Why do you do what you do? Why work for MI6 chasing after dangerous people like me''

The question catched Sara off guard. With the woman basically admitting to her crimes right in front off her, she didn't know how to respond to the new information.

She took a moment to gather her thoughts before answering.

 ''I want to make a difference'' she said honestly. ''To stop people from getting hurt. To bring some kind of justice''.

The woman's eyes narrowed slightly, as if weighing Sara's words. ''Noble'' she murmured. ''But don't you ever wonder if it's worth it? If it really makes a difference''.

How the woman had been able to reach into the dept off her heart, was beyond Sara. Not being able to make a difference with her life, had always been her biggest fear. Which was why she got into political science in the first place. She imagined it was the best field for her to accomplish something good in her lifetime.

''That's what I've been afraid of'' Sara answered.

The woman's gaze softened slightly as she observed the doubt in Sara's eyes. She leaned back on the bench, crossing her legs elegantly, as she tilted her head.

''Why are you asking me this anyways?'' Sara said, her voice barely audible.

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