Chapter 12

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The freezing cold gripped the landscape, turning everything into a stark white wasteland. Uriel stood by the window, his breath fogging up the glass as he stared out at the relentless snowfall. The world beyond was a blur of white, and the wind howled like a distant, mournful wail. Inside, the air was slightly warmer, but the chill still seeped through the walls, making Uriel shiver despite the thick sweater he wore.

"I guess we're stuck inside until the snow stops," Althea said as she walked into the room, her voice breaking the silence.

"What?" Uriel turned his head, his attention snapping back to the present.

"I said—" Althea started to repeat herself, but Uriel interrupted her.

"No, not you. Look at this." He gestured to his phone, the screen glowing with the messages he had received from Clara. "Clay forged their reports."

"What? No way." Althea's eyes widened in surprise. "Do you think he believed you?"

Uriel bit his lip, considering the question carefully. "I think so. That guy is too much of a stickler. If he did this, he's no longer kissing Nexus' ass, I'll tell you that."

Althea put a hand to her chest, her expression a mix of hope and worry. "I hope so. With our numbers going down, we will need all the help we can get."

The room fell silent again, the weight of their precarious situation hanging heavily in the air. The snow continued to fall outside, thick and unrelenting, a fitting backdrop to their uncertain future.


Back in the western Nexus lab, the atmosphere was tense but filled with purpose. Clara slipped her phone back into her pocket, her eyes scanning the room to ensure no one was eavesdropping. "Uriel says to stand by," she announced, her voice low but steady. "He wants to make sure Clay is with us one hundred percent before we make contact."

Teo nodded, his expression thoughtful as he processed the information. "Makes sense," he agreed, lowering himself onto the stairs. "If he is, our plans might change."

They were on the brink of a significant shift, one that could alter the balance of power in their struggle against Nexus. The stakes were high, and the margin for error was razor-thin.

Clara crossed her arms, leaning against the wall. "If this place switches sides, taking out the Headquarters will become so much easier."

Teo sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We've been fighting this fight for so long. It felt like every step forward came with a step back, it'd be nice to have a win for once."

Clara offered a small, encouraging smile. "Even if things go bad, we have our bargaining chip."

Teo looked up at her,  "You mean your escape goat."

Before Clara could respond, their conversation was interrupted by the sharp tone of their communicators. Both of them reached for their devices simultaneously, reading the urgent message displayed on the small screens.

"All personnel report to the briefing room immediately."

Clara looked at Teo, her heart pounding. "What is this all about?"

Teo stood, offering Clara a hand to help her up. "Only one way to find out. Let's go."

They made their way through the winding corridors of the Nexus lab, the urgency of the message adding an edge to their steps. As they approached the briefing room, they could hear the low murmur of voices inside.

Pushing open the door, they were met with the sight of their colleagues already gathered. The room was packed, a sea of faces turned towards the front where Clay was preparing the monitor for a presentation. The atmosphere was tense, everyone clearly aware that this was no ordinary meeting.

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