Chapter 17

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Dr. Momiya and Professor Charles were hunched over a lab bench in the bunker's state-of-the-art research facility, immersed in their work on the virus-holding rain. The steady hum of the equipment and the soft glow of computer screens illuminated their intense focus. Clay stood nearby, arms crossed, watching them with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Dr. Momiya carefully pipetted a sample of the black rain into a small vial. "This strain is particularly aggressive," she remarked, her voice laced with frustration. "It mutates faster than anything we've seen before."

Professor Charles nodded, his eyes never leaving the microscope. "Indeed. It's as if the virus is adapting to our efforts to understand it. We need to find a way to stabilize it, or at least slow down its progression."

Clay leaned forward, his brows furrowed. "How to neutralize it in the rain before it even reaches the ground?"

Momiya glanced at Clay, her expression serious. "We're exploring a few possibilities, but nothing concrete yet. The virus is remarkably resilient. We're trying to understand its core structure first based on the Professor's notes."

As they continued their work, the door to the lab slid open, and Uriel stepped in, his face etched with urgency. "Clay, my dude what the hell are you doing here?".

Clay straightened and turned to face Uriel. "Helping."

Uriel glanced at Momiya and Charles, then back at Clay. "With what? Do you even know how to use any of this crap?" he said pointing at the Polymerase Chain Reaction machine.

Clay's eyes looked around. "N-no, but I can offer assistance in other forms."

Dr. Momiya paused her work, looking up with concern. "To be honest, you're slightly distracting."

Clay's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and his mouth opened slightly, as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

Professor Charles stepped away from the microscope, his expression thoughtful. "How about you take the kids to the training room, some exercise will do them good."

Clay nodded, "Alright, I'll leave you to your work." like a defeated puppy he left the lab with Uriel.

In the heart of their hidden sanctuary, nestled away from the chaos above, Akai and his companions found themselves gathered in the living room. The atmosphere was one of temporary reprieve, a rare moment of respite from the relentless demands of their missions.

June lounged on a threadbare sofa, one leg casually draped over the armrest. "Feels good to take a breather, doesn't it?" he remarked, stretching his arms above his head.

Matias sprawled out in an adjacent armchair. "Definitely. We've been pushing hard lately," he agreed, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Akai occupied a spot on the floor, nestled amidst the cushions, his attention divided between the glossy pages of a magazine and the animated chatter of his companions. With a casual flick of his wrist, he idly flipped through the magazine he had found on the coffee table, his brows furrowing in concentration as he absorbed the latest celebrity gossip.

"You guys hear about this celebrity beef? Crazy shit been going," he commented, his voice laced with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. With a theatrical flourish, he turned over the magazine to show his companions, inviting them into the whirlwind of scandal and intrigue.

Normani, her presence a study in serene composure, sat cross-legged on the carpet, her phone in hand as she scrolled through messages with practiced ease. "You know, sometimes you say things that make me think that you're not living in the same planet as the rest of us," she remarked, her tone teasing yet affectionate as she offered a playful rebuke to Akai's latest revelation.

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