Chapter 18

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As the group made their way through the dimly lit corridors of the bunker, the air was alive with the lively hum of laughter and easy conversation. Their footsteps echoed softly against the walls, mingling with the familiar sounds of camaraderie that had become a comforting backdrop to their daily routine. The atmosphere was relaxed, a welcome respite from the tension of their recent training session. Despite the physical exhaustion weighing on their bodies, their spirits remained buoyant, fueled by the bonds of friendship and shared experiences. With each step closer to the showers, anticipation built, promising a brief moment of relaxation and rejuvenation amidst the rigors of their demanding training regimen.

Clara pulled on Akai's arm, waiting for the others to leave she pulled him closer and said "You were pretty good out there." , her tone warm and inviting. "will you come with me for a sec?"

Akai looked up, meeting her eyes, her expression friendly yet serious. Intrigued, he nodded and followed her footsteps down a narrow corridor that led to a more secluded part of the bunker.

As they walked, Clara glanced over her shoulder, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "You know, I've been meaning to tell you," she began, her voice low. "I really like you."

"Really? I haven't noticed," he joked as they reached a dimly lit room at the end of the corridor, away from the prying eyes and ears of their companions. 

Clara turned to face him, her smile widening. "No, really," she insisted, stepping closer. "I like a strong man who can take down anything coming his way."

Before he could respond, Clara leaned in and kissed him. The suddenness of it caught him off guard, but he didn't pull away. Her lips were soft and warm, and for a moment, he allowed himself to enjoy the sensation. However, as the kiss deepened, Clara's hands began to roam, growing increasingly bold and insistent.

Akai's initial surprise turned into discomfort.

He placed his hands on her shoulders, gently but firmly pushing her back. "Wha-" he said, his voice steady but uneasy. "what are you doing?"

Clara's expression shifted from passion to confusion, then to anger. "What's wrong? I thought you liked me."

"I do," Akai replied, trying to choose his words carefully, his voice trembling slightly. "But I don't..."

"Don't what?" She stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes narrowing in frustration.

"Just—don't touch me like that, okay?" He looked away, struggling to articulate his discomfort without hurting her feelings.

Clara's face twisted with a mix of hurt and irritation. "I was trying to make you feel good," she snapped. "Sorry I didn't know you'd be such a virgin about it."

"I didn't ask you to do...that," Akai retorted, his tone firmer now, a hint of desperation creeping in. "can you just respect my boundaries."

"Boundaries?" Clara's voice rose, incredulous. "We're supposed to be a couple, what boundaries?"

Akai took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I get that, but you didn't ask. You just assumed it was okay. I need you to understand that it's not."

Clara's anger flared. "So now I'm the bad guy for trying to be close to you? For trying to show you I care?"

Akai shook his head, feeling the tension between them growing. "I didn't say that, you're not listening!"

Her face hardened, a mix of hurt and frustration flashing in her eyes. "Fine, I just misjudged you, " she snapped, turning on her heel. "I thought I had a man but you're clearly still the pathetic little boy stuck in the closet because you were too much of a coward to stick up to your mother!"

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