Chapter 13

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The freezing wind howled through the damaged wall that separated the safe north region from the undead-infested central area. Teams Alpha, Beta, Delta, Bravo, Charlie, and Echo moved out into the frigid landscape, their breath forming clouds in the icy air. The snow fell thick and relentless in the past couple of days, turning the world into a stark, white wasteland.

Clara's Team Alpha took their positions around the wall, weapons ready. The tension was palpable as she scanned the horizon, the sound of hammers and drills from the construction team blending with the howling wind. "Stay sharp," the leader commanded, her voice cutting through the cold. "We don't know when they'll strike."

Nearby, Teo's Team Bravo set up their reconnaissance equipment, their eyes glued to the monitors. "Eyes on the north," Teo reported. "Any movement, and we'll know."

"Copy that," Akai's voice crackled through the communications system, a hint of static mingling with the sounds of his teammates adjusting their gear. His breath formed small clouds of vapor that dissipated quickly in the freezing air, a visual testament to the harsh conditions they faced.

As Team Delta prepared to secure the right flank, Akai stood slightly apart, his focus as sharp as the blades he conjured. The icy wind whipped through the desolate battlefield, rustling the thin jackets of his team members. Tracing a deliberate circle in the air, he summoned his unique ability, dark matter slowly dripping from his fingertips like thick, viscous oil. The droplets solidified into sleek, menacing daggers that hovered ominously around him, ready to strike at his command. He observed his teammates from the East Lab, their movements tentative and unsure. The dim light of the early morning cast long shadows across their faces, highlighting their youth and the stark fear that flickered in their eyes. Even June, who at fifteen was one of the youngest yet seemed a seasoned veteran compared to them, moved with a grave solemnity that aged her beyond her years.

Akai's gaze shifted upward, catching the bulky silhouette of the helicopter against the grey dawn sky. Inside, he knew, were his superiors, monitoring every move. His eyes narrowed slightly, a mix of doubt and determination flickering through him as he considered the possibility of a change in strategy. The rotors churned relentlessly, a dull roar that seemed both distant and overly loud, mirroring the chaos of his thoughts. He wondered if those above were truly aware of the gravity of the situation on the ground or if they were detached, viewing the skirmish as just another strategic maneuver.

The rest of his friends were scattered around; Mat's Team Charlie was tasked with supporting the construction team directly. Mat ensured his team's weapons were ready, his eyes scanning the perimeter.

June's Team Echo moved to the east, their role critical in providing additional defense. June checked his communicator, his face set in a determined expression.

Normani's Team Beta was positioned to provide overwatch and support wherever needed. "They sure are taking their sweet time," she remarked, her voice tinged with sarcasm.

As the construction team worked tirelessly to repair the wall, the air grew more tense with each passing minute. Suddenly, a distant groan echoed through the snow. The undead were coming.

"They're here!" Dua shouted through the comms. The teams tensed, the weight of the moment pressing down on them.

Gunfire erupted, shattering the eerie silence. The undead surged forward, grotesque and relentless. Team Alpha fought fiercely, holding the line as the undead pressed closer. The team leaders' commands were sharp and precise, directing their team with unwavering resolve.

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