Chapter 14

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The rebel force approached the wall under the cover of darkness, their movements swift and silent. Clay watched from his hidden vantage point, his heart pounding. He knew the significance of what was about to happen, the precarious balance of their world about to be shattered. Each step taken by the rebels brought them closer to an irreversible moment, and Clay felt the weight of his decisions pressing down on him.

Clay slipped from his hiding spot and approached them, his presence initially met with suspicion until he raised his hands in a gesture of peace.

"Here are the plans," he said quietly. "If you hit these points, the weapons attached to the nearby walls will be out of order."

The leader of the rebels, Uriel, with Althea by his side, nodded curtly. "Here, take this," Althea turned to Uriel, handing him a detonator. "You have the honor."

Together, they worked swiftly, securing the charges in key positions along the wall's base. The sense of urgency was palpable, each second ticking by with a growing sense of impending conflict.

As the rebels reached the base of the wall, they set to work planting explosives. The sound of their preparations was nearly drowned out by the howling wind.

Suddenly, alarms blared through the night, piercing the cold air. The East Lab members had discovered the breach and were mobilizing to stop the rebels. They rushed towards the wall, their weapons at the ready, their faces set in grim determination.

"Hold them off!" Althea shouted to her team. "We need more time!"

The West Nexus Lab squad joined the fight but were confused to see their overseer on the opposite side. Long triple-edged black swords slipped from his sleeves into both hands. "Stand down. Now!" Clay barked at them, taking up a defensive position.

"Ehm, what the fuck?" Akai asked, pulling Mat's arm to step back.

They watched as the rebels and the East Lab guards clashed. The sharp reports of gunfire echoed across the frozen landscape, the muzzle flashes illuminating the darkness in brief, violent bursts. Despite their best efforts, the rebels couldn't hold the guards back for long.

"What do we do?" Normani looked around expectantly, but her question remained unaddressed.

With a deafening roar, the charges detonated, and the wall crumbled in a massive cloud of dust and debris. The ground shook violently, and a wave of heat and pressure washed over Clay and the rebels. Shielding their eyes from the blast, they braced themselves against the force.

As the dust settled, the scene revealed itself: vehicles and people emerged from the other side of the wall. Akai's eyes widened in shock. He had expected the undead, but these were living, breathing humans. The central area, confirmed to be deserted, was anything but.

The West Lab squad stood frozen in disbelief. "How is this possible?" Normani murmured, her eyes wide with shock.

Before they could react, the East Lab members, regaining their composure, began to fire upon the innocent people emerging from the ruins. Panic ensued as the refugees tried to flee the onslaught. Mothers shielded their children, and the elderly stumbled, their faces etched with fear and desperation.

"Stop! Why are you attacking them?!" June shouted, his voice barely audible over the chaos.

Uriel and Althea, along with the rebels, rushed to protect the civilians, forming a protective barrier between them and the East Lab guards. Their movements were precise and coordinated, a testament to their training and resolve.

Clara wasted no time joining Uriel's side, her staff turned on their former allies. "What are you doing attacking innocent people? Your job is to protect them!" Clara called out, her voice filled with urgency. The bond of trust between the teams was strained but not yet broken.

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