Chapter 21

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Clay and Akai walked side by side, their footsteps echoing softly down the corridor. Akai's normally vibrant eyes were clouded with anxiety. Sensing his unease, Clay gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Don't worry," Clay said. "It won't take long."

Akai nodded, swallowing hard. "I know. It's just... awkward."

They reached the double doors of the lab, which slid open with a faint hiss. Inside, the pristine white room was a maze of sleek equipment and diagnostic machines. Professor Charles stood beside Momiya.

"Well rested I hope." She smiled warmly at Akai.

"I had better." He joked.

"Thank you for coming," Professor Charles greeted. "Akai, we'll start with some basic tests. Momiya will guide you through each step."

Akai nodded again, this time more confidently. He followed Momiya to a chair surrounded by an array of monitors and sensors. As he sat down, Momiya began attaching small electrodes to his temples and wrists.

"These will measure your brain activity and heart rate," Momiya explained. "Just relax and follow my instructions."

Outside the lab, two curious faces peered through the small windows in the door. Mat and Normani had slipped away from the training room, their curiosity piqued by the mysterious tests Akai was undergoing. They watched as Momiya instructed Akai to close his eyes and breathe deeply, the monitors beside him flickering to life with lines and numbers.

"What's going on in there?" Mat whispered, pressing his face closer to the glass.

"Looks like some serious stuff," Normani replied.

Unbeknownst to them, Clay had noticed their presence. He glanced towards the door, catching sight of their inquisitive faces. With a sigh, he excused himself from the lab and quietly slipped out to confront them.

"What are you two doing here?" Clay asked, crossing his arms as he faced Mat and Normani.

Both jumped, looking guilty. "We were just... curious," Mat admitted. "Is Akai okay?"

Clay softened, seeing their genuine concern. "He's fine. They just needed some samples for research."

Normani bit her lip. "Why just him, we all have the same dark blood."

Clay nodded, leaning against the wall. "I understand your concern." He took a deep breath, recalling the events that led Akai to this moment. "We just found out he has a different mutation of the virus we're trying to understand."

Mat and Normani exchanged glances, intrigued. "Well where did he get it from?" Normani asked.

"That's part of what these tests are for," Clay explained. "To figure out the extent of his powers, it's crucial to ensure he's safe, both for himself and those around him."

"All this time," Mat said, his eyes wide. "I had no idea."

"For now keep training," Clay continued. "It's going to be tough from now on, you should take this time to prepare for the worst."

Just then, the lab door opened, and Momiya stepped out. She smiled at Clay before noticing Mat and Normani. "Everything's going well," she said. "Akai's almost done with the first set of tests."

Mat and Normani nodded, feeling a bit reassure they went to tell the others the news. Clay re-entered the lab, joining Akai as he completed the tests.

"How are you holding up?" Clay asked, seeing the tired but relieved expression on Akai's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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