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Liam's and Lucas' hands intertwined as they moved closer to each other.moving his lips down to trail hot kisses along his jawline and down his neck. His hands move up his body and just when he was about to kiss him again,there was knocking on the door.

"Oh c'mon.." he whispered and let out an annoyed sigh. "What is it?!" He yelled "hey bro we detected movements in the abandoned forest nearby and a few days ago we placed cameras and when it sent the signal we checked the footages and we think we saw Courtney wandering around in the forest." One of Liam's friends informed him of the situation,so he unlocked the door and ran to the forest with a gun,he arrived to the forest and walked around carefully trying to find Courtney.

"Fuck where is she.." about 20 seconds after he said that,he could hear running a few meters behind,he looked back and saw a woman's silhouette, obviously it was Courtney as no one goes to this forest anymore because of the witch rumors. "Come out of hiding Courtney,I know you're here." He yelled confident Courtney would hear him,after that he heard some laughs. "Alright alright Liam.. I'll come out...after I kill you." With that,she shot Liam in the arm which held the gun. "If you're so strong then come out you fucking wuss" Liam said covering his wound with his hand to prevent more blood loss. "I'm not a wuss.. but I can and WILL kill you,but if you want some friendly advice it's better you go home to heal your wound,then come back later to try again,how does that sound,hm?"

"...fuck you Courtney. You'll regret this someday.. i promise you.."

He came back to the house,no one was there except for Lucas "where'd Dave go?" He questioned Lucas "uh.. I don't know,I think he left" "uhm..ok." he said as he walked to the room and heal his wound, but Lucas followed him out of curiosity and of course because he was clingy as fuck. "What happend? Did that bitch shoot you?" He said looking «worried» "yeah she did,she never shows herself,she's fucking fearful,why does she not come out? I mean c'mon,if she thinks she's sooo powerful and strong and fearless,why does she not come out?!" He said angrily,so Lucas tried to comfort him "yeah.. you're right,but she's not worth it,I still don't understand why you are so obsessed with her? Why do you want to go after her so badly?" Lucas asked Liam waiting for an answer,an honest answer because Liam always refuses to tell anyone why.


"I already told you Lucas.." he said. "Oh yeah? That it's none of my fucking business? Well guess what? I'm worried about you,you always come back with an injury,are you NOT afraid she'll kill you one day? Are you not worried that she goes after your loved ones? Like your aunt? Your brother? Or maybe even ME? You don't care about what she could do huh?" Lucas yelled at him angrily and confused

"She won't. I don't like telling you about my business.. but I guess I can tell you that... I knew her as a kid,if she wants to hurt someone,she'll only hurt that person physically or mentally,she won't go after anyone else until she finishes her business with that person. So no. I'm not worried about Courtney hurting you or anyone else." He said "there,are you happy now? Can you leave?" He added, but clearly Lucas was not convinced.

"I don't know if YOU are stupid or if I am stupid,but you know people change right?" He said,still angry with Liam. "Well clearly you're the stupid one Lucas,you never knew Courtney,now leave." He said


"Ok. I'll leave." And with that,Lucas left the house. Not to be seen for the rest of the day. Liam just sat there guilty,angry..sad. He sighed,took care of his wound,and did nothing for the rest of the day too. 

"I fucked up.." he said then hit a wall out of anger.. or.. rage,he hit it a few more times and his fist started bleeding, he bandaged his fist and went to sleep,hoping tomorrow could be a better day.

In the middle of the night around 2-3 am,Liam woke up to a sound of glass breaking. "What the?" He got up to check what it was, he grabbed a nearby knife he always keeps in his room in case of situations like this happen,he walked downstairs and checked the kitchen,the bathroom,living room but there was nothing to be suspicious about except for the noises in his room,he goes back and find no one

"Am I going insane.." he questioned himself and went back to sleep, the next day, he woke up and the first thought that comes to his head were what happend tonight,but he ignored it,showered,grabbed some breakfast...etc so good so far,he goes back to the living room and finds a note in the couch  which wasn't there before.

"If you read this fast enough you'll know that I'm about to hit your head very hard  a-" before he even finished reading it,he turned around,and saw Courtney about to stab him,but just before she had the chance to do anything,a familiar woman shot her,grabbed Courtney's body like it weighs nothing and ran away in a supernatural speed

"What the fuck just happend.." his jaw dropped and he was left speechless "she looks really familiar.. I wonder why."

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