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After that weird morning,Liam went outside for a walk and he found Lucas in a park...a children's park... He goes there to meet him

"What the fuck are you doing in a kid's park?" He chuckles as he sat next to him
"I'm watching my little cousin" Lucas answers,Liam looks at him sadly "hey... Look,I'm sorry for yesterday.." he said "..." "You know... For.. calling you stupid. I didn't mean that,I was just angry" he added. "Fine,I forgive you." Lucas said as he leaned his head on Liam's shoulder.

An hour later,Lucas called his little cousin and told her it was time to go home,so he walks her to her mom's house.

"Thank you very much Lucas." His aunt said as she grabbed her child's hand "you're welcome liz." Lucas smiled and turned back to Liam and they started to walk away "you call your aunt by just..her name?" Liam asked him "yeah I do,why?" He replied "I call mine aunt Jenna,it's not her whole name tho" he said "what's her whole name then?" "Jennifer,and I'm pretty sure no mother names her child Liz,so what's your aunt's whole name?" "Liza. But she doesn't like it,she even cried about it one day" Lucas said sad for his aunt "I would cry too if my name was liza." Liam answered making a joke out of it,Lucas punched him slightly in the arm with his shoulder as he laughed "whaaat? It's true!" Liam said while also laughing "well your name is Liam,you're no one to talk" he said "I'm very much one to talk,my name is hot and very moanable,don't you think?"
He said looking at Lucas with a smirk on his face, he looked back at him and blushed while he hid his face with his hands "see?" Liam said confidently. "Fuck you.." "how about I fuck you instead ?" Liam said with another time a smirk on his face,then he laughed "yeah,with pleasure" Lucas said,and they laughed together.

More minutes later,they arrived at Liam's house. "Wanna order something to eat?" He asked "sure, McDonald's?" Lucas said "why not.. what do you want?" "Uh...whatever you're taking." He said "alright." Liam answered,then picked up the phone and ordered some food,about 3 minutes later the bell rang. "Wow,that fast?" Liam asked himself,and walked towards the door to open it,but when he does he sees nothing so he looked around and noticed a note laying on his front porch. "What the fuck.." he said to himself then picked up the note and went inside,Lucas looked at him confused "where's the food?" He asked "it's not the delivery... It's a note" he said "oh,read it?" "I'm not so sure.." "just read it." "Fine". Liam said

"You forgot what you did to me..didn't you?"

"Huh?" Liam asked himself,then Lucas looked at him again,still confused "what did you do to.. whoever it is wrote you this?" He said "I don't fucking know" Liam almost yelled "I don't even know who wrote this shit!" He added to the previous answer,Lucas looked at him as he was thinking "maybe it's Courtney ?"


"Maybe." Liam said,and just when he was about to say something again,the bell rang "it better be the delivery this time." He walks towards the door,opens it and a guy hands over the food they ordered,Liam pays him and makes his way back to the kitchen.

"Finally. I was so hungry." Lucas said,then let out a sigh of relief. They enjoyed their food and threw away to rests,Lucas stretched out and yawned "I'm so tired I could really use a nap.. can I stay over ? Liam? HEY! Liam!" He says to him as he looked like he zoned out "huh? What?" Liam said "sorry,I zoned out" he added "it's fine,can I stay over?" "Uh,yeah of course you can. I could use a nap too" they both head to bed and lay in comfort.

"Hey Liam.." Lucas said "yes?" "Remember when we we were 15?" He said and chuckled "oh please don't remind me of it.." Liam groaned and laughed "we were so cringe!" Lucas added while laughing "I know right,being gay is so cringe sometimes." "It's hot tho." Lucas said,he continued talking nonsense for a few more minutes,then Liam suddenly kissed him out of nowhere "shut the fuck up please.." Liam said as Lucas blushed really hard "a-alright."

Both their eyes started closing,then they fell asleep. Hours passed and now it was around 2AM. Liam woke up to a bad dream and looks around "oh fuck we overslept.." he groaned in fatigue and yawned,he gets out of bed and gets a cup of water,then he hears a knock on the front door "what the fuck?" Liam thinks and grabs a gun that was in the kitchen, he opens the door and sees a dark silhouette of a man, he didn't know who it was because it was pitch dark.


"Who are you?" Liam asked the strange man but he doesn't answer.


"Uh.. ok this is.. weird.. sir what do you need,are you lost?" He said as he tried to ask the man and help him.


"Ok,this is.. ok.. sir you can go away if you're just gonna stand there." Liam said, still not afraid.


"What the fuck.." Liam whisperd to himself and walks a step behind,then the man revealed a sharp object,a knife. "Sir you're gonna regret it if you use that." Liam said,and the man lifted up the arm that held the knife,then he gets shot from behind Liam,he looks behind to see Lucas standing there with a gun and a flashlight. "I just saved your life." He said. "No you did not,who's that guy.." Liam asked "I don't know,let's find out." They approach the man and take off his mask revealing a very,very familiar man to Liam,but Lucas was still confused, he looked at Liam who was shocked,his jaw dropped. "What? Do you know him?" Lucas asked him looking concerned.


"That's my.." "that's my father." Liam said,Lucas then understood why he was shocked "wait,isn't he supposed to be in jail?" He asked. "He IS!" He answered then proposed to call the police,but Liam's dad was still half conscious,he stabs Liam in his stomach.


Lucas wasn't in the room with Liam,he couldn't help him yet, he groans in pain,not enough to scream or cry because he was used to it. "Fuck..." He covers the injury with his hand and he grabs a gun "don't try anything funny dad.. I can last long enough to kill you." He says,his father was very quiet until.. "you wouldn't kill your own father now would you?" He says in a deep voice,Liam looks at him in disgust. "Fuck yeah I would." He said. "I did not raise you to be like this" his father said as he played the victim "you did not raise me at at all. Aunt Jenna did,she was more a parent to me than you and mom ever were" Liam said as he started to lose strength because of the deep injury "oh yeah? Who else raised you? Elena?" His father says to tease Liam and make him angry,trying to get him to do something stupid. "Don't mention her name Infront of me." Liam says angrily,holding the gun to his father's neck while panting.


"She left you." His father said to him,smirking. "She also left you." He said. "Ah yes,but it was your fault." His dad added. "Shut up" Liam ordered,as he pointed the gun deeper into his dad's skin. "And who's fault was it huh? Your existence." "I SAID SHUT UP!" he yelled,causing Lucas to hear that,he walked to Liam,trying to calm him down,he didn't realize Liam's wound yet because of the dark,then his father stabs him again,this time in his arm,but also got a chance to stab the injury in his stomach again, Lucas grabbed Liam who was about to fall,and layed him somewhere else, that's when he noticed the first wound, he took the knife out of his hand. And waited for the police to arrive.


"Liam..?" Lucas tried waking up Liam. "Liam! LIAM!" Unfortunately, he was already unconscious he also lost quite a lot of blood,so he just prayed he wouldn't die. Then about a minute or two, the police came in,arresting liam's father. And lucky was Liam because they also called an ambulance in case he caused trouble, which he always does in jail already.


Liam was transferred into a hospital and a doctor took care of him while Lucas was waiting. The doctor came outside to meet Lucas and told him everything was alright. "He's good? Can I see him?" Lucas asked "no,not yet. He's still weak and unconscious. I will let you know when you can see him." The doctor said "oh,okay.." Lucas sighed,hoping Liam would be okay.

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