Blood flow

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Liam tried to move in his unconsciousness but he couldn't,then a shiver ran through his body and he was woken up by a sharp pain in his wrists  which caused the shiver. First thing he noticed was that he was in a pitch dark room with only one light above of him and second thing his wrists were tied behind the chair,he again felt the sharp pain and something flowing down his hands,he quickly realized it was blood.  He tried to free himself but the rope was too thick and hard to untie, he lost hope and looked around more until he heard a familiar feminine voice

"Courtney." He said in a tone of hatred.

"You're a smart boy Liam." She said,enjoying Liam's suffering

"What do you want from me?"

"I've always wanted to kill you for what you did to me,and I went easy on you but you went far from the limites." She said with a tone of hatred and sadness in her voice.

"What the fuck are you talking about? What did I ever do to you?" He said in anger and confusion.

"Oh yeah? You don't remember what you did yesterday?" She asked

"..." Liam kept silent trying to figure out what she was trying to make him guess,a few thoughts crossed his mind, he wondered if it was the vampire or something else

"Wait you knew that vampire guy?" He said

"Yes! He was my boyfriend!" She yelled and tapped her fist on the table in front of Liam

"WHAT? I'm surprised someone even loves you,and also why is your boyfriend a fucking vampire ? That is so.."

"Weird? Abnormal ? Terrifying? Disgusting ? Well I DON'T care what you say ! He was the only person who loved me despite my-" she interrupted Liam and cried out,then she stopped herself from continuing her sentence

"Despite your what? Weirdness ? Craziness? Huh? What is it?" He said,not caring about her sadness even one bit

"SHUT UP!" She cried angry and sad tears at the same time,Liam still didn't care

"Are you gonna let me go?" He said in an annoyed tone

"Yes." She replied

"Wait what?" He said,surprised that she'd let him go.

"But you won't get out alive." She said as she gets up and grabs a knife from the table,still not showing her face.

"Ok I knew it was too good to be true" he whispered under his breath.

Courtney approached him with the sharp knife, finally revealing her long straight brunette hair that almost reaching her knees and light green eyes,tears falling down from her eyes to her cheeks,she stabbed his leg first.

"I am not going to kill you" she said "you don't deserve a quick death,you know what? I will tear you limb from limb, nerve from nerve and then I'll heal you with some vampire blood,then I'll do it do you all over again until you beg me to give you the gift of death,don't try calling for help,no one will hear,you'll suffer the wrath,your fate is sealed,every breath you draw,your every move or attempt to leave,I will see it and I will make sure you will never escape what is coming you will finally face the consequences" she gives him a death stare during the whole thing she said.


"Are you done..?" Liam yawns.


"I could snap your neck with a flick of my finger or drain you dry... In any case, your life is going to be cut short."

"What did you just say? Drain me dry? Are you a vampire too?" He asked shocked


"No." She said before she turned around and left,Liam thought about the death threat Courtney gave him,then he feels something in his pocket,his phone. He immediately remembered that he left his location on so when Diana notices he's late she'll look at it and she'll go where he is currently in.

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