The kid

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3 months passed,Liam became great friends and he considered her like a little sister, although hid relationship with Lucas has been getting damaged slowly

"Liam where are you?" Lucas yelled "I'm right here,what do you want?" He answered. "I need money." "Again? No!" "Just give me some fucking money!!" "I said no." Said Liam and walked over to Lucas, he wasn't intimidated. "And I said give me the money." He said,but Liam just ignored him.

"Don't ignore me! Liam!" "I'm not giving you shit Lucas,I feel like.. you're just using me for money now. What has gotten into you Lucas?!" He yelled "that is none of your business! Just give me the fucking money!" Liam looked pissed,but he got his bank card and gave it to him
"Happy now? Leave me the fuck alone." He said,Lucas grabbed the card and walked out.

A few more hours later,Liam got a text from Lucas in which he sent a picture with a girl,

"Who's that?" Liam texted him, but Lucas deleted the picture right after and said he sent it to the wrong person,he's had enough and told him to come to his house, luckily Lucas accepted.

Lucas entered his house "what do you want Liam?"he asked. "Who was that girl?" "No one?" He said "no one huh?" "Don't lie to me" said Liam. "She's just a friend,jeez why do you have to be so jealous and insecure?" Lucas said looking pissed. "Oh no I'm not jealous or insecure,I'm just thinking that it's weird if you hook up with someone while you're already in a relationship." Liam said and noticed Lucas' face changed. "No I did not hook up with her" Lucas tried to get defensive and gaslight Liam,clearly it didn't work. "Don't lie or try to manipulate me,it won't work." Lucas said  "Fine. I did. How did you even know that? Have you been stalking me? You obsessed control freak!" He said "so that's why you've been treating me like some money making machine huh,cheater." "Go cry about it bitch,and you didn't answer my question." Lucas said "no I haven't been stalking you,tell me.. «babe» do you believe that a thirteen year old autistic girl can track someone's location?" Liam asked him and he looked at him in confusion "uh,no? Especially if it's autistic." He said. "Wrong answer,you know.. Emmy?" "What ? she's the one that tracked my fucking location?" He asked in horror

"Your very exact location,you were in that 5 stars hotel with a brunette.. room 203?" Liam said as he smirked,Lucas just stood there in horror and shock. "Yeah.. but you know what.. I don't care,and yes I've been treating you like a money making machine freak because I have been cheating on you,I don't need you anymore tho,I do have money, didn't wanna spend it on some hoe that I'll get bored of after a week."

"Ok,are you done yapping nonsense?" Liam said and lucas was looking really pissed and annoyed,instead of saying anything he turns back and leaves.


"Damn..." Liam sighs and sat on his bed thinking about what happened, he calls his aunt so she came over and comforted him.

"You're gonna be okay Liam" she says "no I'm not!" He said while wiping his years away but they just kept forming in his eyes. "Yes you will, eventually." She insists "no.." "yes,and I promise you that."


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