Big deal

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While catching up,they talked about their current lives and how they were doing,and they arrived to the restaurant and finally ordered food they thought were worth trying and meanwhile they talked more

"So you broke up with Lucas?" Diana asked "yes.. I did, actually just yesterday" he replied "oh damn I'm sorry for you,you know now that I'm here,I'll also be by your side." She said "thanks Diana,uh.. as a friend right?" he said "of course,you're still gay right?" She asks "uhm,I don't know anymore dude." "Well there's only one way to find out" Diana said with a smirk on her face while Liam looked at her and chuckled "ahaha that's a joke right?" He said "of course it is!!" She answers. "Oh,haha ok that's kinda funny not gonna lie" he said,then he looked back at a blonde with wavy hair and light blue eyes come in and he felt like his eyes couldn't look at anything else but her as if they were paralyzed,and diana sure did notice it

"She's hot right?" She said teasing Liam and he looked back at her "no but she's cute" he blushed as he still looked at her "what about me?" Diana responded,still joking and teasing Liam "you're ugly as fuck." He laughed "hey!!" She laughed as well,and they watched the girl leave the place.

"So,where have you been all this time?" Liam asked "oh I moved out from my parent's house and started living on my own,well. At first it was very complicated I worked 15 hours a day every week to barely get enough money to pay electricity,water,bills and to buy food and then I quit my job and started making money online and I guess you could say I'm a millionaire now" she chuckles "wow that's nice." He said "so,what about you Liam? You got rid of your parents ?" She asked "yes I did. But they escaped and they got put back to jail again,I've just been going after someone,I never and I won't tell anyone why really,it's quite confidential but it's a good reason."

She looked at Liam confused for a second "what about your aunt?" She asked "she takes care of me and Nick" "nick ? Who's nick?" She asked curiously "my little brother,he was born about 4 months ago." He answered "Ohh okay" she said.

They finish up the meal,pay and go outside.

"Well,I had a lot of fun but I'm gonna have to go now" diana said "oh okay,maybe you could give me your number so we can stay in touch ?" He asked "of course ! Great idea,here it is" she tells Liam her number and saves it.

About 7 months passed and their friendship was very great, although Diana feels like she catched feelings for Liam,she was talking with a friend of hers during a sleepover

"So.. you said you feel like you have feelings for Liam?" Her friend asked "yes." She replied "how? How-how do you feel about him? Like why do you think you like him?" She said "everytime I look at him I always notice how pretty he is,and I really like his voice,his hair,his personality,hi-.." before she even finished talking her friend interrupted her "ok ok I get it,you actually do like him." She said "so if you like him.. just tell him?" She added "slight problem,he doesn't like me back." Diana said "ok,it's not a big deal if you tell him girl.." "yes it is! It's a big deal!"

They kept talking for a few more minutes and moved on to do something else for the night

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