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Lucas waited for about 10 to 20 minutes,then the doctor came back to him and told him that he could finally see Liam. He heads there and feels bad for him.

"I'm sorry Liam.." he said "I feel bad for what happend.." he added,Liam looks at him and smiles "it's not your fault Lucas." "Yes it is.. I shouldn't have left the room,if I didn't,he wouldn't stab you.." Lucas said,feeling extremely guilty, but Liam didn't seem to be mad at him at all,and he insisted that it wasn't his fault "it is what it is.Besides I'm completely fine." He said "that's good to hear,when are you being discharged?" Lucas asked "uh.. I don't know" "I'll go ask the doctor if you want?" he said "no it's okay. No need to" Liam said "no no I'm going,just stay here" "it's not like I can go anywhere else"

Lucas left the room to find the doctor,when he finds him,he asked when Liam was being discharged and the doctor answered "in 2 days" so he went back to Liam's room only to find an adult woman wearing clothes people would wear in the 1800's,he stood near the door to «spy» on the conversation


"It would be so much better if you died" the woman said "you're right. It would be,but I'm not" "why do you even bother coming here? It's not like you care about me or something" Liam said,looking pissed. "Indeed,I could not care less. But I am here to kill you." "Yeah that's funny." He says,the woman sighed in annoyance. "Do not talk to me like that." The woman said in a threatening tone"Or what,old hag?" Liam said,not afraid at all.


"You sure have changed,son." Lucas' jaw dropped "so that weird looking woman is his mother?" He whispered under his breath. Liam spotted Lucas and tells him to come in,making his mom leave the room,but she does look at the both of them deep into their souls,which was terrifying,but not terrifying enough for Liam or Lucas.

"Damn,your mom is a bitch" he says "y-" right about Liam was about to agree or disagree with Lucas, he interrupts him"not to be rude tho" Lucas said "I was gonna say you're right" he chuckles "oh- I thought you would fuck me up if I said something bad about your mom" "yeah I would gladly fuck you,but I'm not in the right state to do that." Liam smirked "can you stop with these jokes?" Lucas asked as a joke "how about.. no?" Liam said and lucas just sighed.

2 days passed,Liam was discharged and went back home

"You should be careful now." Said Lucas "I know,I will." Liam said "you promise?" "..." "Liam." "Fine,I promise." "Good. I have to leave now,don't do anything stupid." "Alright" Liam said while lucas left.

"I'm so bored.." Liam whispered to himself,he grabs his phone and goes to social media, Instagram,he just texts with some of his friends when he receives a follow request of someone,he accepts it and the person texts him,it ends up being a 13year old autistic kid who's name is «Emmy»

They kept talking,and Liam noticed that kid was really dumb but very friendly so they became «friends»

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