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1 year has passed,Diana's feelings still didn't go away and Liam still hasn't showed any sign of romantic love towards her but she never really lost hope.

It was a Sunday afternoon and she wanted to hang out with him so she picked up her phone and called him

"Hey Liam, wanna hang out ?" She asked

"Ahh no sorry Diana,I already made plans with someone" he said

"Oh,who are you hanging out with?" She said feeling the familiar emotion of jealousy

"Just..someone you don't know" he replied and started to get suspicious

"Is it... A girl?" She asked

"Yeah,why? Are you jealous ?" He said that just to tease Diana.

"Ahaha you are extremely funny." She replied "no I'm not jealous." She added

"Ok then" Liam said before hanging up and going out.

He was in the city walking around to the place where he should go to until someone calls him as he walks past a dark alley,at first he ignored it but he couldn't help but wonder who the person is and the more he walks the more he hears that voice,he assumes it's a man but it's hard to tell because the voice was whispering very quietly and softly,it kept calling him so he turned around and headed back to the alley,he starts walking in it and he realizes there is absolutely no one in there and that it was probably some kids pranking him, but then he wondered how they knew his name but he ignored that,then he feels a tap on his shoulder

"Leaving so soon?" The voice said whispering softly and quietly

Liam froze at this interaction and many thoughts cross his mind.

Out of all the thoughts in his head he only decides to ask 1 question "who are you"

"Awww.. are you scared? Fear not my friend. You are safe with me." The stranger replied

"I'm not scared. I just wanna know who you are." Liam said,not keeping his guard down in case the man attacks him,he still couldn't see his face tho because it was abnormally dark there.

"Well,I may be something you will never believe." He answers Liam's question, but he was still confused.

"Something...?" Liam says, beginning to feel fear "what did you mean by something." He asks,but the man just stayed quiet,then let out a weird and creepy laugh then Liam could not remember anything of what happend after,he just woke up in the alley with a wound on his neck,he did remember the interaction with the man then the next thing he knew was that an animal attacked him and bit him in the neck leaving him a serious injury.

He stands up and goes to a hospital nearby,the doctors asked him where he got that wound from and he just said he got attacked by an animal and didn't mention the man he talked with.

A doctor took care of the wound and Liam got discharged,he walked around the city and he saw someone familiar,and she also saw him and ran to him then hugged him

"LIAM! What are you doing here? What's that on your neck? Since when do you live in California ?" The girl asked

"Emmy! Woahh slow down with the questions." He said and chuckled

"Ahaha sorry! I'm just excited ! It's not everyday you randomly meet your online friend." She apologized.

"Yeah but I don't consider you my friend" he said "you're more like my little sister, except you aren't" he added

"I cannot comprehend what you said at the end but I'm gonna act like I know." She laughed as she said it

"Why are you hanging out in here alone ?" He asks her "You're only 13" he said

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