CHAPTER 2: A new beginning

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Liam, now 18 years old is consumed by 1 thought, what will he do with his life now ? Ever since Diana was in jail, many people started to follow him and try to kill him, where did these hitmen even come from ? It can't be Courtney because she has completely disappeared and there was rumors that she died, it can't be Diana because she is crazy in love with him and she's in jail,so who could it be?

Although Emmy made Liam meet a girl named Emma in social media, Liam talked to her a lot and a month later he developed a big crush on her even tho she doesn't love him because she has a boyfriend he still talks to her every day,one day Liam spotted a familiar girl in a grocery store

"Is that.. Emma?!" He walked up to her and she didn't seem to be happy at all


"Who are you?"

"Yeah right.. I'm Liam."

"Liam?" She said still not recognizing him

"Yes,the guy that talks to you A LOT??"

"Liam..OH!!! LIAM!" She said

"Yes! You recognize me now?"

"Yeah I do"

"What's wrong ?"


"Seriously,what's wrong?"

"Ok fine. Alex and I broke up.."

"AGAIN? That is the fifth time !"


"Even worse,why did he break up this time?"

"Actually,I broke up with him. He insulted 2 of my dead relatives,that's when he crossed the line."

"Why would even insult dead people"

"Not insult.. he made a joke out of it"

Liam hung out with Emma for the next 2 hours,they talked about a lot of things and he even catched Emma staring at him when he wasn't looking,soon enough night fell and he walked her back home

"Thank you for today Liam. It was great." She said as a smile grew on her face,Liam just looked at her.

"Goodnight Emma." She smiled,turned around then left.

They hung out more for the next two months and Liam gave her more hints, eventually things happend. One night they were hanging out and swimming in a beach.

"Hey Emma,aren't you gonna swim?"

"Uhh,no thanks. It's cold" she smiles

"Oh c'mon,the water's great or maybe are you scared?" He said to tease her

"I'm not scared!!" She laughs

"I don't believe you" he smiled and teased her again. Emma got up and jumped to the water and splashed it on Liam

"Oh my gosh stop! It's cold!" He laughed

"Oh so now it's cold huh?" She laughed along with him.

They swum around for a bit.

"It's getting late,should we go ?" Liam asked

"Nahhh" Emma replied

"Yes ma'am."

"Why are you calling me that?"

"What do you mean?"

"It sounds old!"

"The fuck you want me to say then?" He chuckles "i'm sorry should I call you princess ? Clearly I can't because you told me not to call you that,I can't call you sweetheart or m-"

Emma interrupted him as she kissed him,Liam's eyes widen and he just kissed her back
"Call me anything but ma'am." She said as she pulled away and walked back to the surface of the beach, Liam stayed there speechless but then he came back to his mind and followed her. Liam tried to grab her hand as she walked away but she noticed and pulled out,she got in her car and drove off

"What just happened.." Liam said to himself.

As he went back home and layed on his bed and tried to sleep,his brain couldn't stop playing that kiss,and so many thoughts crossed his mind

"Why would she kiss me and run away like that.."

The next day,Liam spotted Emma in a park and she was reading a book,he walked from behind so she wouldn't see him,then he stopped.

"What are you reading?" He said,and Emma gasps softly and turns around,then Liam noticed that she was blushing

"You scared the fuck out of me Liam!"

"Aww I'm sorry sweetheart,what should I do to make it up for you"

"Hmm.. how about you fuck off?"

"I can't fuck off,but I can fuck you if you want."

"Liam shut up!"

"Yes ma-i mean. Emma" he said "why did you kiss me yesterday?" He adds and Emma blushes and stands up

"Are you gonna leave again ? Seriously?" Liam said

"No I won't. Aren't you supposed to make it up for me because you scared me?"

"Alright under one condition,you tell me why you ki-"

"Ok fine." She interrupted him then grabbed his hand and walked to an ice cream shop nearby.

"Which flavor do you want?" Liam asks

"Hmm. Chocolate and strawberry."

"Alright,I'll pay."

"What? No it's fine really,I'll pay I have take money."

"Shut the fuck up,I have more money"

"Uh-okay thanks."

Liam pays for the ice cream and they go back to the park and sit on a bench while eating their ice cream

"About yesterday, I kissed you because.. well.. you didn't stop calling me «ma'am» and also because.. I.."



"I like you."

"I like you too. As a friend" Liam said to tease her

"Oh.." Emma replied in disappointment

"I'm just joking ! I really like you too,but why did you leave?"

"I wasn't sure about my feelings for you and my friends told me that if I kiss you maybe I'd figure it out."

"So? Did you figure it out?"

"Yes. And I really do like you.. more than a friend."

"seriously?" He asks her "seriously." She replies as she leaned in and kissed him,they chuckles awkwardly as liam pulls out

"So... May you accept if I become your boyfriend" he says in a teasing tone,but still serious

"Oh,I accept." She replies back in a teasing tone too.

They get out of the water and the both of them go back to their homes.
As Liam arrived,he went to his room and layed on his bed thinking about today and THAT kiss.

"She likes me !" He said to himself his face beaming with happiness and as his eyes slowly close as he falls asleep.

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