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After Liam found out about Lucas cheating on him,he was devastated a lot. So much to the point where he started to cut and giving himself scars on his wrists which caused him to wear shirts with long sleeves to cover it up,his aunt visited a lot during that time to comfort him and spend time with him but she didn't mind the long sleeves because she thought it was simply because he was cold. One day she visited early and because she had the keys to the house too,she walked in and saw him wearing the hoodie, but first of all she noticed the scars.

"Liam? Who did this to you!" She says looking worried as he looked back in shock not expecting her to be there "that's nothing aunt Jenna. It's not that bad." "Not that bad?" She said


Jenna's eyes opened wide when she realized he was the one who did this to himself "you did this?!" She said "uh-no.." he denied "you can't lie to me, especially not about this" she said "I know I know,I'm sorry." He said looking down "you know you can talk to me instead of harming yourself,this will become an addiction,it's like drugs!" She said "no it won't.. you don't know anything about it" "yes I do" she said "in fact,your uncle did this to himself.. you know,before his death.. he was unstoppable,I tried warning him and telling him to stop,and he said he couldn't,he was acting like an addict." She added,and liam raised his eyebrows in shock "you didn't tell me this" he said "I know,but i thought it wasn't necessary and also because his death makes me sad,I loved him very much.." she said,wiping a tear away "so.. how exactly did he die?" Liam said curiously


"Did he.. kill himself?" He said,and his aunt looked at him sadly "yes,I remember his last words were «i should have listened to you but it's too late,I need to get rid of the pain» then he jumped off the building's roof." She said,wiping more tears away. "I'm so sorry aunt Jenna.." "it's okay" "'s been 7 years right? Since he died? Why are you not getting married again?" He said curiously


"No" she replied "I loved your uncle so much,he was the one. And I can't see myself with another man,I'd rather die alone then with someone else" She said
"Wanna go for a walk so we can both cheer ourselves up?" Liam said "ah,sure but only if we go inside three clothing stores at least!"

They laugh and walk out the house and walk for a few minutes and stopped by a few clothing stores and the both of them ended up buying some clothes. An hour later,Liam goes back home alone while his aunt goes back to her home too.

"There's nothing to do in this house man.." Liam says to himself and yawns and suddenly a sharp pain appeared in his wrists because of the self harm scars.
"Well that totally makes my day better.." he gets up and grabs something and bandaged his wrists,he sighs in relief minutes after because the pain wasn't that bad anymore.

Although,he was still bored and the pain didn't leave completely,so he went outside again and walked around the neighborhood when he started feeling like he was being observed,he constantly looks back again and again until he finally sees someone who's been walking in the exact same directions as him,he stops walking and so does the person behind him and worst,it was hard to tell who it was because the stranger was completely masked.

He walks back to the person,and before they left,he grabbed them and took their mask off to reveal long wavy black hair and those familiar brown eyes.


"DIANA ?" He shouts in excitement "yes that's me,you still remember!?" "Of course I do ! How could I not remember that ugly face of yours?" He jokes. "Haha you're still the funny guy I used to know,but hey ! We're seeing each again! How's life!" She says in excitement too "I'm not so good lately,but I'm trying to move on from it, but why were you following me?" He asked her curiously,and she looks at him "I saw you walking with an older woman,and I recognized you,so I wanted to surprise you!" She answered "your jokes are still as horrible as the last time I saw you Diana,but I'm glad to see you again" he hugs her tightly "me too!" She said "let's catch up,we should go to the restaurant that opened a few weeks ago" he proposed "oh my gosh is this a date?" She smirked at Liam in a humorous way and chuckled "ew,no." He joked back "anyways,yeah let's go because I've also been wanting to go there but I couldn't find a good enough excuse" they laughed,and walked to that place together.

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