Crazy woman

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A few weeks passed and Liam was still happily dating Emma,although he started getting the crazy letters again, he hid that from his girlfriend as he didn't want any problems so he either burned or threw away the letters,one day he was informed by one of his friends that Diana was released out of jail,he thought it was a joke because she was sentenced to 4 years and her bail was too expensive but his friend said she got out because of good behavior but she faked it to get out as soon as possible and she managed to somehow hire hitmen directly from jail to kidnap Liam until she gets out. Liam immediately went to a police station and told them that but the officers refused to believe it because she was acting normally in jail and the day of her release she said she learned from her mistakes. A day after he knew that,he received a message of an unknown number saying creepy love things,he started in shock at the message.

"What's that?" Emma said as she leaned In curious to see what was the message

"Oh it's.. nothing." He replied while turning off his phone

"What do you mean,nothing ?"

"It's not important just forget it."

"Uh. Okay then. I trust you"

Liam kept staring at the message for about a minute and then blocked the number,he sighed and got up

"Hey Emma,I uh- I'm going for a walk."

"Oh ok have fun I guess"

Liam went out and walked around,he knew Diana was up to something again so he just tried being careful although he did feel something weird when he was walking almost as if he forgot something but he didn't mind and kept walking. He went back home and layed on his bed thinking about what happend and how can possibly Diana got out even tho he knew,he just couldn't believe it.

Liam woke up in a dark room with nothing in it,just pitch black as if.. it wasn't real.

"Liam" a female like voice echoed

"What the fuck is going on"

"You need to fix it" the voice echoed again

"Fix what? Who are you?" Liam tried to ask questions hoping for answers.

"You'll know. Eventually. But I need you to know,I am sorry." The voice said

The next thing he knew was him waking up in a cold sweat and feeling as if someone had been watching him in his sleep.

"What a weird dream" he said as he looked out the window,it was nightime but when he checked his phone his eyes widen in shock

"It's slept for a WEEK?!" He yelled out loud "how?!" He then noticed the many notifications from Emma and his other friends. But then again...he woke up and looked around

"Wow that was so real." He yawned and got out of bed with the same feeling in the dream like someone was watching him sleep and continued his day normally. He walked to a grocery shop to get some things he needed and saw a friend

"Hey Liam how's it going,we haven't talked in a week where were you man?" His friend said

"Dude what..we talked yesterday."


"Right. Yeah. So... How's it going?"

"Honestly my day has been weird so far."

"Understandable man,I felt like someone was watching me sleep last night,it was horrible"

"Oh,me too"

"You think we're being haunted ?" His friend joked Liam chuckled

"Shut up you idiot we're not dude" he laughed

"Alright,I'll see you around" his friend said

"Yeah I'll see you"

During the whole day,all his friends said they had a feeling for being watched either when they woke up or during their sleep. They also told him they haven't seen him in a week and whenever Liam said the last time they talked they said he was right,he thought they were messing around with them but when he talked to Emma she said the same thing and he knew something was up because if it really was a joke she wouldn't agree to it,she's too mature for that.

"Babe I don't know if I'm being messed around with or if i'm going crazy but whatever it is this is not funny."

"Liam I'm not joking. I wouldn't do that. That's stupid."

"Then why did you say you haven't talked or seen me in a week?"

"What are you talking about ?I never said that,also we talked yesterday."

Liam just looked at her weirdly and then walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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