6. Breathless

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It was ten thirty and Nova still hadn't returned from dropping Samantha off.

The rest of the band was out at Walmart getting everything they needed, but I couldn't stop pacing. Something was wrong.

My phone began to ring, and I quickly looked at the caller ID.


I quickly picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Denis Shaforostov?" A woman on the other end asked.

"Yes it is."

"I'm calling from the Mesa Valley hospital. We have a young lady here named Nova Reed, do you know her?"

I jumped up, immediately.

"What's wrong? Is she okay?"

"Sir we need you to come to the hospital." The lady said and then hung up the phone.

I ran out of the bus and hailed a cab, quickly telling them to take me to the hospital while I called Ben.

"Hey mate what's up?" Ben asked.

"Get back to the bus. I just got a call from the Hospital. Nova is there and something is wrong. I'm on my way now. And I'll call you when I find anything out."

"Holy shit. Keep me updated." Ben said as I hung up.

I threw money at the cab driver and ran into the hospital.

"Mr. Shaforostov?" The lady at the front Desk asked.

I nodded.

"Where's Nova?" I asked.

"Follow me sir. She's been asking for you."

She walked me to a small room where Nova laid on a hospital bed, her clothes stained with blood, and stitches in her arms and legs.

"Denis." She attempted to sit up quickly when she saw me, and then quickly winced, laying back down.

"Take it easy." I said. Sitting down in the chair next to her, pressing a kiss to her temple, grasping her tiny hand in mine, noticing she had and IV in.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing her hand softly.

"A drunk driver ran a red light and hit me. I have two broken ribs, and they took a bunch of glass out of my arm and leg."

"We have given her some pain medicine in her IV. We just need to unhook her and she is free to go. She will need to take two of these per day for her pain, and you will need to help her keep this wrap on for two weeks. She will be fully healed after that since they are just cracked. Make sure she goes easy on the physical activity, but don't just have her lie down all the time."

I nodded, I sent a quick text to Ben, telling him that she was alright, just a bit broken and that we would be back in time to leave for the next show.

They took Nova's IV out and put her into a wheelchair, taking her out to the cab that was waiting for us.

I gently picked her up, placing her into the cab so her head rested onto my lap, she stared at me blankly, still on pain medicine which made her loopy.

We reached the bus and I picked her up bridal style, she rested her head against my chest as I brought her into the bus.

The guys all stood up immediately, crowding around her, looking at how horrid she looked.

"There's our fighter." Ben smiled at her.

"I'm gonna go get her changed and put to bed. She needs some rest."

I won't give in. (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria)[NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now