21. Poison

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It had been a week since I had told Denis and I was already ready to kill him.

Don't get me wrong, he was sweet as can be, but he wasn't letting me do any work.

No lifting anything.

No walking too far.

No going to the bar with the guys even if I promised not to drink.

Needless to say, I was going insane.

Tour life while pregnant was difficult.

I had to take all of the vitamins needed, manage the boys, and make sure I was eating well.

Don't even get me started on the morning sickness.

"Nova are you gonna come to the show tonight?" James asked.

I shook my head.

"Denis doesn't want me to be in a 'rowdy crowd'" I said, putting air quotes around rowdy and crowd.

"We could just wrap you in bubble wrap?" James suggested.

"I tried that suggestion. He wasn't having it."

"Darn. I miss looking into the crowd and seeing you there." James hugged me.

"I miss being there. I'm going crazy in this bus, find a way to break me out?" I gave him a puppy face.

"No can do. Sorry Nova, Denis would kill me." He raised his hands up innocently.

I dramatically threw myself into the couch.

"Be careful!" James gasped.

"James, it's okay. I fell onto my back and I'm only four weeks pregnant. The baby is barely there, me falling backwards into the couch won't hurt it." I rolled my eyes.

"If Denis saw me let you get away with that he would kill me."

"Well it's a good thing he has an interview right now isn't it?" I smiled deviously.

James sighed realizing how frustrated I was with being locked up in this bus.

"So how was the bar last night?" I asked.

The guys had all gone out, and of course they had gotten hammered.

"If I remembered anything from it I would have an answer to your question." He chuckled.

"This is why I need to go with you all. Because you get too shitfaced to remember anything." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. We had fun....at least I assume we did." He chuckled.

Denis came onto the bus at that point, pressing a kiss to my lips and sitting down next to me.

"So are you ready to tell the world?" Denis smiled.

I nodded.

Denis and I had yet to tell anybody but the band and our families about the news, we planned to post something about it today since I was starting to gain a bit of weight and people were commenting on it.

Denis took a photo of us that we had taken a few weeks back and began to type.

When he had finished he handed me the phone, letting me look his message over and approve it.

'Hey AA family! I'm so excited to announce that my beautiful soul mate and I are expecting a child. I'm so excited for the future of my family and the future of this growing AA family. I love you all and thank you in advance for your support.'

I nodded.

"Sounds good. There's really not much more to say." I smiled.

He hit share and it went out onto every social media platform that we had.

Messages began flooding in, fan girls who were excited for an AA baby sent messages of support, while there were many threats sent my way.

"Nova I'm thinking of getting you security."

I rolled my eyes.

"If you do that I may kill you."


"No buts. You already have me barely leaving this bus, I don't need a babysitter."

"Fine." He sighed.

"Now you all need to go warm up. You have a show in an hour."

"But I wanna stay with you!" Denis groaned.

"You already banned me from your show, so it's your loss. Now go." I shoved him off of the couch and onto his feet.

"But I don't wanna!" He whined.

"Goodbye Denis." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." He made a pouty face, exiting the bus with the rest of the guys.

I immediately pulled out my laptop and began responding to business emails.




I clicked one that said important.

It read:

My name is Rachel Montez and I would like to schedule a dinner meeting with you tomorrow night to inform you of some important information that cannot be given over the phone. Please give me a call at 555-7892.

It immediately sparked my curiosity.

I grabbed my phone and dialed the number, calling the girl, who picked up on the first ring.


"Hi is this Rachel Montez?" I asked.

"Yes it is, may I ask who is speaking?" She asked.

"This is Nova Reed, I'm calling about your email."

"Oh! Nova! Yes, would tomorrow night work for you? Nothing fancy, I uh.....have some information for you."

"What kind of information?" I asked.

"Look, it wouldn't be appropriate to send you a photo. But it regards the band you manage at a bar a few nights ago."

"Oh my god if this is a lawsuit...." I trailed off.

"No! It's just something I think you need to know."

"Alright. I'll meet you. Text me the location and time."

"Okay. Thank you so much Nova."

I ended the call quickly.

What the hell had the guys done?

A/N: Two updates in one day! Woo! I've lost a lot of reads since Nova got pregnant....I guess people didn't like the turn the story took. I know this chapter is short, but it's just a filler, shit is about to go down so buckle up because it's going to be a bumpy ride. Leave your thoughts in the comments, and as always I love you all. <3 -Anon

I won't give in. (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria)[NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now