8. Break down the walls

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I woke up to my head pounding.

I rolled over to see that I was in Denis's bunk, and I was indeed in last nights clothes.

Holy shit what happened last night.

I rolled out of the Bunk, careful not to wake Denis.

I went to the living area to see Ben, also in last nights clothes, drinking water and taking some aspirin.

"Morning." He smirked.

I rubbed my head and grabbed an aspirin, quickly taking two and drinking some water.

"What happened last night?" I groaned.

Ben smirked.

"Sit down Nova, let's have a chat."

I sat down, a bit wary of Ben's expression.

"You look like something's up?" I raised my eyebrow."

"Oh something was up." He chuckled.

"Ben what are you talking about?" He asked.

He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture.

I was pressed against a brick wall, my hands in Denis's hair, and we were kissing.

"Holy shit." I put my hand over my mouth. "Did we..." I trailed off.

Ben shook his head.

"You cannot show Denis this, it would make things weird between us." I bit my lip.

"I also had a chat with Samantha this morning." Oh no. "She told me about your one month deal. I'll have to show Denis this when she tells him if you don't tell him yourself."

I glared at Ben.

"You can't be serious, you are only giving me a day to tell him."

"Tell who what?" Denis walked into the room, ruffling his hair.

"Nothing." I quickly shut off Ben's phone, standing up, handing Denis a pain reliever and some water for his hangover.

The rest of the guys followed him out into the living area.

"So what is the plan for today?" James asked.

"We have an off day, and we are in Pensacola, so I was thinking that we could hit the beach."

"Sounds great."


A few hours later I was sat on a towel in the sand wearing my black bikini, watching my five best friends wrestle in the ocean.

I couldn't help but laugh at them as I read my book.

Suddenly a shadow appeared over me and i moved my book to see who was blocking the sun. It was Denis. He had on black swim shorts, and his necklace that he never seemed to take off. I couldn't help but stare at his tattoos on his chest. They were so beautiful.

"Aren't you getting in the water Nova?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not while you are all rough housing in it." I offered a small smile.

"What's fun about playing in the ocean unless you are rough housing?" He chuckled.

"Go play with the boys Denis." I smiled, waving him off.

"We don't want to play without you." He said, smirking as he snatched my book away.

"Denis! Give it back." I sighed, getting up.

"Okay." He said, handing it back to me.

As I reached for it he dropped it and swiftly picked me up, running towards the ocean.

I won't give in. (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria)[NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now