14. Closure

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I sat in the airport tapping my foot.

We had been waiting for a flight for ten hours and I was beginning to freak out.

I had tried reaching Nova ten times, but she wouldn't answer her phone.

James grabbed my arm.

"Stop tapping. It's driving me crazy." He sighed.

"You would be tapping too if the love of your life was in the same situation." I snapped.

He held his hands up in a back off motion.

I sighed.

"Sorry. I'm just stressed about losing her."

"It's okay man. We all are."

"Could I have Denis Stoff, Benjamin Bruce, James Cassells, Cameron Liddell, and Sam Bettley to the desk?" The gate announcer asked.

I shook Sam, Cam and Ben awake and ran up to the desk.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We can get you on the next flight to Yorkshire."

I smiled.

"Thank you so much." She printed our tickets.

She handed them to us and then let us board the plane.

-----Ten hours later-----

We landed in Yorkshire and I ran off of the plane.

Ben caught my shoulder as I was exiting the airport.

"Dude. You need to sleep." He said.

"I can't I'm this close to Nova. I need to see her." I said.

"Denis you need to sleep." He sighed.

"I need to see her!" I pulled my arm away from him.

"She won't react well to you showing up in this state." He said.

"You're right." I sighed.

We made our way to Ben's place, crashing in the living room.

Tomorrow I would finally get to talk to Nova.

I woke up the next morning, quickly getting dressed and leaving Ben's house to walk to Nova's. What was I going to say?

I gulped.

I had no plan.

I just wanted her to listen to me, and hopefully she would take me back.

I took a deep breath, then knocked on the door.


I sat in my house, unpacking boxes.

I hadn't been able to get to a store and pick up a new phone, so I had no contact with anybody these last few days, except for checking Twitter and Instagram on the computer, but all that had was hateful comments about me, so I turned those off as well.

I quickly showered for the first time in days and cleaned up my home.

I needed to start a new life for myself one where I could forget about Denis.

I was unpacking boxes when there was a knock on the door.

"One minute!" I yelled, looking in the mirror.

I was very pale, and had lost about ten pounds due to my lack of eating these past few days.

I had dark circles underneath my eyes and my outfit was ratty, consisting of a sweatshirt and leggings.

I ran a hand through my wet hair, making it fall into place in wet waves, then opened the door coming face to face with the last person I expected to see.


I closed the door quickly in his face, not wanting to hear.

He knocked again.

"Nova come out!"

"Why? So you can call me a whore again?" I yelled.

"Nova just hear me out!" He yelled, knocking some more.

"Like you heard me out?" I snapped.

"Nova I will wait here until you talk to me." He said.

"Fine. Have fun waiting on my porch forever." I said, walking away.

Every few hours or so I looked out the curtains to see Denis sitting on the front steps.

I sighed.

He was determined to make my life hell.

I saw James walk up the driveway and talk to him.

Why were they all here.

They had a set of warped to play tomorrow. It was here in the UK, but still.

Next came Sam.

Then Cam.

Then finally Ben.

They all tried getting him to leave me alone and try again, but they eventually gave up.

Denis just sat there.

Even when the rain started.

I sighed.

There was a clap of thunder and he didn't move, even as it began to storm.

I sighed, opening the door.

"Come inside you idiot." I sighed.

He immediately got up and walked in.

"You have a beautiful home." He smiled, walking towards me to hug me.

"Don't touch me. I only let you in because I don't want you to die in a storm."

"Well that's a start." He sighed.

I handed him his flannel and some sweatpants he had given me.

"Go change out of your wet clothes. I don't want you to catch a cold." I sighed.

He nodded, retreating to the bathroom to change.

I went to the kitchen and finished cooking my dinner, some chicken and rice along with a glass of wine, I split it in half and made two plates.

As mad as I was at Denis and didn't want to see him, I couldn't let him starve.

"Can we talk Nova?" He asked, exiting the bathroom in dry clothes.

I took his dripping clothes and put them in the dryer for him, handing him a plate of food and a bit of wine.

"Here. So you don't starve and then your fans really kill me." I sighed, handing him the food, sitting on the counter eating my portion.

"I asked if we could talk." He sighed.

"And I ignored you." I snapped.

"When can we talk about this Nova?" He asked.

"I gave you a chance already and you hung up on me. Go on. Call me a whore again Denis." I glared.

"Nova I didn't mean what I said." He sighed.

"Sounded pretty serious." I finished my food, chugging my wine.

"Nova I-"

I cut him off.

"I'm going to bed. You can crash on the couch." I said nonchalantly, hopping off of the counter and walking to my room.

"So that's it?" He asked.

"Oh this conversation isn't over dear. I have a lot more to say." I smirked, closing the door to my room and crawling into bed.

Tomorrow would be interesting to say the least.

A/N: Two updates in one day! Yay! I'm back into the groove of writing and hopefully this story is out of the awkward phase those last three chapters were in. Thanks for all the comments and votes. They mean the world and inspire me to write. Lots of love! -Anon

I won't give in. (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria)[NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now