Chapter 11

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For the past 3 to 4 weeks, we've been training and trying to get the person from inside of Nyx to come out.

"Nyx, you and, what I can get from it, Erebus are tight." I tell her. "Even the vibe from whoever it is inside of you loves this Erebus."

Nyx had tried to talk, but I cut her off. "Shhh, someone's here!"

"Again?!" She replies. But more annoyed. "I thought this place was secured?!"

"It was." I replied. "Zain dies, and that's when they all come out."

"Then they all come out? What do you mean?"

"What she means by that, my dearest darling-"

I cut off his words as I had an invisible hold on his throat.

"He doesn't like it when someone else calls her,"darling." You better run." I say to him calmly, which this is the calmest I've been since Zain died. "Oh, wait, you can't."

I slowly traced the invisible line down his arm, and he shivered, and his veins were going black. He screams out in pain, and daymn, this is so god, no pun intended, daymn, amazing!

"MAKE IT STOP!" He shouts.

"Pleading for your life will make no difference, mate." I put my hand into a fist, and the bones in his right arm are all crushed.

He screams like a woman and flails like a dying fly but can't move because I have him in a firm grip on his arm. Nyx stands behind me as I kneel down next to the intruder.

"So, mate, what are you doing here?" I asked. "If there's an answer I dislike. You're getting tortured. So, what are you doing here?"

"I'll never tell a soul!"

I slowly put my hand into a fist, and his bones in his left arm are crushed. "Wrong answer."

"FUCK YOU, YOU PSYCHO!" I tilt my head, and I just giggle.

"Sometimes a girl gotta go psycho, mate." I say. "Now, tell me, why are you here."


"Okay," I picked up the pistol on the side and shot the side of his mouth. "so now write it."

"Ohhh, be careful. You're getting blood all over the floor."

"All this will end if you tell me, darling."

Tears are now strolling down his face.

"Gonna tell me?" I tell him coldly. My eyes might've gone red. I must've been so pissed off. "If you don't tell me, your brains will be all over the floor, you will be forced to go through the same thing over and over again until you tell me. With the same pain." I was so calm with all of this. "But if you tell me, I might let you go free."

His eyes flickered with fear. "I was sent, alright!"

"By who?"

"The one that calls himself Dia-"

"The one that calls himself Diablo, Diavolo, and Diavlo?"



"For her." And he points at Nyx.

"No, he isn't." I plunged my hand into his chest, and my fist was punched through his back and was clenched around his heart.

"You said you'll let him go." Nyx said.

"Torture lesson, don't let them go after you tell them that you were."


"Build their hopes up. Gain information. If you can and you're an assassin, like me and my... dead boyfriend." Even talking about him makes me want to ball. "Get close with your target. Like be a good friend, or be a girlfriend, or be a boyfriend. Do anything to get close to them. But the inner you won't let you." I say."She loves Erebus."

She stands there, I think, analysing my stance and posture.

"Why does this Diavlo person want me?"

"After Zain, you're the strongest person to face him and survive."

"Is that why he wants me?"

"No, to turn you like him. He wants to turn you into a demon and use you as a weapon for his own gain." I tell her. "Nyx, you're stronger than all of us, Hellfires here!"

Curse of the Black Dahlia: PT1Where stories live. Discover now