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Blossoming in the spring, flowers held such a special significance in Odelya's heart. Forming in intricate patterns, such beauties acting as a protective shield around her good heart. In the meadow of which Florence had devoted hours of love and attention to, blooming flowers arranged themselves in a halo above the head of the little sunshine as she lay down upon the bed of grass.

Seemingly a comforting gesture between the Flower and the Siren, the young tributes were nestled together in one sleeping bag, in means of preserving heat and sisterly affection. Soft snores silenced from Florence ceased any thoughts of devastation from the mind of Odelya. Apollo was seemingly loitering in the dawn, for there was something he was waiting for to accompany him into the land of eternal peace and slumber.

Without Apollo to lull her back to sleep, little Florence awoke several times during the night and despite Odelya's newfound knowledge regarding Haymitch's lullaby, there was a lesser sense of safety felt by the little girl at the song coming from a sister, rather than a father.

Nothing could aid in her falling asleep that morning, not even the slightly comforting knowledge that Blaise was hunting down their final competition for the crown, and that they needn't worry for unnecessary murders that day.

"Are you awake, Delya?" Florence asked softly.

"Yes, my darling Flower," Odelya responded in the same manner of voice, "Try and get some more sleep, there's nothing else for us to do this morning. Sleep will help for us to preserve heat, we need that in such coldness."

So it seemed for the forest to become colder by the day, with the falling snow to enhance by the hour and despite the lake where they lay their allies to rest thinning daily, perhaps with the hope that one would fall in like Clementine to quicken the Games. No one had perished besides Apollo in the past days and Capitol spectators were being fuelled with boredom.

"I miss Apollo," Florence murmured, her bottom lip wobbling with thoughts of her perished brother.

"So do I. But he is in such a better place now, with our beloved Melody. For that is the outcome which he had wished for all along, of course. He needed her terribly, and without the presence of one's love there is really no hope for a happy existence."

"But I need him here."

"Oh darling, I need him too. But we have so much to be excited for and we will carry him everyday. Your victory is imminent and you will remember us both when reunited with your lovely Papa."

"I don't want to win without you, Delya. Papa would really love you, like I do."

"I love you eternally, little Flower. But my time has soon to come and your life is just beginning. That is what I am excited for, your future love for life and the pure spirit you will carry in everything of which you do."

Florence tightened their embrace, her face buried in the crook of Odelya's neck. Such love had not been experienced by Odelya in a long time. The love of a sister was incomparable, and while Odelya adored Reign and Orion with all of her being, there was something special about Melody.

However, something has always seemed to be missing in the home of Castellan. A loving mother and father. A protective older brother and a caring older sister. A brave younger brother, but no sweet younger sister. Florence filled that void in Odelya's heart and she refused to lose another sister to the Games.

Florence would return home. Finnick would care for Reign.

However, there was always something missing in the house of Castellan. A mother and father. An older brother and sister. A younger brother. But no younger sister. Florence filled that void in Odelya's heart, and she refused to lose another sister.

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