Chapter 3

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“Detention” was written on the board with chalk. There was no sound in the classroom exept for the clock ticking and the breathing of the students and teacher. A map of the city hung on the wall. You could see all the streetnames, all the parks and playgrounds. It wasn’t long before I found my own house. At the edge of the city, right next to an old factory. I tried to memorise every street, ever small little nook that was visible on the map. Because what else could I do? I looked at the clock. I still had to wait at least half an hour before I was released from this boredom. Apparently not many people did anything wrong this week. It was just me, and some other guy who happened to sit at the table next to me. He had dark curly hair and was wearing a blue and green chequered blouse. He was looking out the window, lost in his own thoughts. He was handsome, sitting like that, zoned out in his own world. I wondered what he was thinking about. What his life was like. What could possibly go on inside the mind of a boy like that? I had no clue, I didn’t know him enough to know. If it was Ethan I could’ve come up with a thing or two. Like race cars or Minecraft.
Suddenly the teacher stood up.
'I'm off to the toilet, you guys stay here, and be quiet. I don’t want to get in trouble,' He gave an awkward smile. Then he walked towards the door.
I looked at him as he left the room and closed the door behind him. Yes, I know, we are supposed to stay quiet. But, does he really expect that from us? I mean, we are teenagers, sitting in a boring classroom with the only interesting thing being a map. If you break the no-fighting rule, the no-talking rule doesn’t really impact you anymore. In other words, I broke the rule. I whispered to the guy next to me,
'Hey,' at least I was whispering, 'why are you here?'
The guy moved his head away from the window to look at me. He had the most amazing bright green eyes, and I am extremely jealous of his cheekbones.
'Me?' he said.
'Yes you, who else?'
The guy looked around, only now aware of the fact that we were in fact the only two people in the classroom.
'Why are you here?' He asked. He turned the question around, smart.
'I might’ve gotten into a fight with some rich kid,'
'Why isn’t he here?'
'Well,' I said 'because he's rich. His parents paid off the school so he didn't have to come to detention.'
'Wait,' he whispered, 'Was it Brodie?'
'Yeah, do you know him?'
'He's in my english class, such an asshole,'
'I know right?' I smiled, happy that someone shared my opinion. In a world where it feels like everyone is against you, it is nice to find someone who thinks the same as you.
'So why are you here?' I asked again.
The boy sighed, he knew he couldn't avoid the question forever.
'I was late to class.'
Was that so difficult?
'Why were you late to class?'
The guy was silent for a moment, then he spoke.
'I rather not tell someone I don't know about all of my problems' He smiled slightly, showing me he didn’t mean it in a rude way.
I nodded. I understood, I wouldn't tell him about all of my problems either. He probably didn’t want to hear it all.
I like this guy, it’s a wonder I never saw him before. I would love to add someone to my extremely small circle of friends.
'Maybe we can exchange phone numbers. You know, If you change your mind and want to tell me anyway.'
The guy smiled,
'You know what? Why not.'
I smiled back before I searched in my bag for a notebook, I ripped a piece off and gave it to him with a pen. I ripped another piece off for myself and wrote my number on it. We exchanged the papers and I made sure to put it in a safe place.
'What's your name, by the way?' The boy asked. I hesitated for a moment. But this was a chance, someone that doesn't know me, someone that didn’t know me when people still knew me as a girl. It could be a new beginning, he’ll always know me as a guy. I smiled at the thought of it.
'My name is Nick'
'I’m Devin'
I put out my hand for him to shake it.
‘Nice to meet you Devin!’

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