Chapter 1

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That asshole should’ve just shut his mouth when I told him too.
I was sitting in a chair outside the principal's office. I held an ice pack, that my English teacher had given me, under my eye. I was listening to the school secretary talking over the phone: “Mhm…Yes, he’s okay… mhm…Okay! I will see you here!”
She had ended the call and was now typing things on her computer. Glancing at us over the computer screen every two seconds.
My leg was shaking. I didn’t like to sit still. I needed to do something. But I couldn’t. I was stuck on this chair, in this room, forced to listen to the secretary talking.
My parents were going to be called next. I imagined my good old dad sitting on his lazy ass watching tv. He would probably get more mad about having to pause the football game than about me getting into a fight. Because he was that kind of person; No care in the world until he has to get off the couch for it.
‘Madelyn, anybody home?’
My thoughts were interrupted by Brodie’s annoying voice.
‘Why the hell were you staring at me?’ he said.
His face was covered in bruises and he held a tissue on his bleeding nose. Honestly, his face looks better now than it did before I punched him.
‘Don’t call me Madelyn’ I said
‘I am nót going to call you Nick,’
‘Then just don’t talk to me,’
‘You are the one talking!’ he said.
‘Do you want me to punch you again?’
‘Sst!’ The secretary interrupted. ‘No fighting! You’ve done enough of that today,’
Brodie groaned.
The secretary typed something.
‘Hello? Is this mister Bloom?’ She said over the phone.
Why did she have to call my dad?
‘Yes… Your daughter got into a fight at school, we’d like you to pick her up… mhm… I understand… No, you háve to pick her up… Yes… Is madam Bloom also able to come? … Okay, I’ll see you here!’
My father is coming to school. Of course they called my parents. And ofcourse dad was the one to pick up. He doesn’t have anything better to do anyway. 
The doors opened and a man in a fancy suit and a woman wearing way too much make-up entered.
‘Oh my baby boy!’ The woman said while she ran to Brodie. She took his face in her hands and inspected the wounds.
‘Are you hurt? Who did this to you?’ She said angrily.
‘You,’ Brodie’s father had turned to me, ‘You did this, didn’t you?’
He pointed his finger in my face, ‘You are going to pay for this, young man.’
I smiled, he called me a young man.
‘She’s a girl,' Brodie said.
Damn you Brodie.
The man looked shocked, like he couldn’t believe a girl beat up his precious little son. It's probably why he assumed I was a guy in the first place.
The door to the principal’s office opened and an old man, also in suit, came through the door.
‘I see you have arrived, come on in!’
Brodie’s parents followed him into the office, blowing kisses to their precious little innocent son.

Damn, I knew Brodie's parents were rich, but I didn’t know they were so rich that they could bribe the principal not to punish their boy. They are even worse than Brodie.
While Brodie got off with next to no punishment, I was stuck with, well, my parents. Instead of trying to get me off punishment like mr and mrs rich, it felt like they wanted me to have more punishment than the principal initially proposed.
When the school bell indicated the end of last period I was still sitting outside the principal’s office with an ice pack stuck on my face.
The halls swarmed with students going to their lockers so they could finally go home. While I was still stuck here, waiting for my parents to show up.
‘Yo, Nick, bro, how are you doing!’
My best (and only) friend dropped on the chair next to me. 
‘I’m surviving,’
‘Why are you still here? Won’t they let you go home?’
‘They are waiting for my parents to show up,’
‘Ah,’ He put his hand on my shoulder, ‘They’ll come’
‘I hope not,’ I groaned.
‘You were badass though, I mean, when you punched him in the face? Hell yeah! He did not expect that to happen, I think a lot of people wanted to punch him, I sure know I did, you did us a favour man,’
I smiled, this guy, god, Ethan is my best friend, he means the world to me, I probably wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. 
‘I think he looks better now after  I punched him, red goes well with his eyes,’
Ethan laughed, ‘It really does doesn’t it?’
‘Thank you for being here bro,’ I said.
‘No problem, dude, ofcourse, you are my best friend, man,’
I smiled. I wasn’t lying, I was really happy he was here right now, he always got my back, let’s hope he always will.
‘So, after your parents finally show up we can go and get some ice cream if you want?’
‘I’m probably going to be super grounded,’
‘Right, forgot, your parents suck,’
He was right about that.
‘I wish I had yours as parents,’
‘Oh no you do not! Trust me,’
‘Shhh,’ The secretary shushed.
‘What do you mean? Your parents are great,’
‘Not if you get 100 percent on a test,’
‘What?’ I chuckled.
‘They won’t believe you did it without cheating!’
‘If yóú got 100 percent on a test I wouldn’t believe it either,’
‘Oh come on man! Writing equations on your legs in hardly cheating!’
‘That's the definition of cheating, buddy,’
‘Man, you don’t have to be so harsh!’ He laughed.
‘You were the one who said I could always share what’s on my mind,’ I said.
‘Well… I didn’t mean it like that!’
We laughed. I realised most kids were already long gone, I mean, they do say that time flies when you are with friends. Correction, a friend. 
The doors burst open, and there they were. The people that birthed me. The monsters that raised me. The bane of my existence, etcetera, etcetera.
‘Uhm, I’m going to go,’ Ethan said before he stood up and walked to the doors my parents just came in through.
‘Sup’ He said to my dad.
I wanted the ground to open up and eat me, Ethan probably did too. My dad just looked at him angrily, he can be very intimidating. Luckily looks can’t kill, otherwise I would’ve just witnessed a murder.
Ethan looked at me one last time, put his thumbs up and mouthed “Good luck” before finally exiting through the doors.
Dad's eyes were on fire while he stomped towards me. He violently ripped the ice pack out of my hands and looked at my wounds. 
'Why do you always have to start fights? When we come home-' 
He was cut off when the principal opened the door. Thank god.
'Ah, there you guys are, please come in and sit down, I’ve been waiting for you.' For about two hours, I must add.
He held the door open for my parents to come in.
'I'm not done with you young lady.' Said dad after giving me back the ice pack. Then my parents followed the principal into the office and the door closed behind them.

'We are so sorry about her. Madelyn has anger issues. We truly have no idea where she got it from.' I heard my mom say behind the thin wall separating me from the office.
Madelyn was the name my parents had given me at birth, and they were eager to hold on to it. 
'She is going to therapy. She is working on... her problem.' Dad explained. 'she actually has a session this afternoon. She'll be able to talk about what happened and hopefully her therapist will be able to fix her.' Fix me? They believe there to be something wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with me, except for the fact that I was born in a girl’s body. And that everyone pretends that I am that girl. They are purposely putting me in a little box, but it’s the wrong goddamn box. It doesn’t fit, but they are blind and refuse to put on some glasses. Whatever I tell them, they still think I’m a girl, and I’m scared that’s never going to change.
'I see,' the principal said, 'this can't be left unpunished. She'll have to go to detention after school for a few weeks. Everyday except the ones she goes to therapy of course. I mean, I think she needs it,'
Dad scoffed, ‘Clearly…ow!’
I suspect my mom kicked him from under the table, thanks mom. I owe you one.
After that conversation my parents walked out of the principal's office. My dad calmly closed the door but then he gripped my arm tightly. I expected this reaction of him, and I know very well what is going to happen next. I quickly put the ice pack down on the chair before he dragged me down the hall out of the building.

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