Chapter 10

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After six weeks my hand had healed. But it took six weeks too long.
I was sitting in my bed. My phone in my hand. A smile on my face. I had been texting with Devin for a while now. I didn't have anything else to do in these weeks. I couldn't play guitar and I was sick of scrolling through tiktok. So I texted Devin. He often asked me how I was, if my hand still hurt. I just told him I'm fine. Even if my hand felt like it was on fire after I tried to play guitar again.
"we should hang out outside of school sometime"
Devin sent me. We only hung out during school. We didn't have any classes together so I only saw him during breaks.
"yes definitely"
I answered.
"would your house work?"
I looked at the message, my smile had disappeared from my face. Not my place, he can't go to my place. I started typing a message back, but I didn't know what to say. I don't want to disappoint him.
"not really, I'm sorry. my parents don't like people coming over"
My finger hung above the send button in hesitation. Then I sent it. My heart was pounding in my chest, hoping furiously that he wouldn't hate me for this.
He was typing, but then stopped. I waited, but he didn't start typing again. I put my phone down. That's it, he hates me now. What if I sent it differently? If I asked to hang out at the park instead? But it was too late, wasn't it? I always lose people, why does everyone-
My thoughts were interrupted by a loud "Ding!" from my phone. I rushed to pick it up, and there is was. A notification from Devin.
"that's fine, my house it is"
My heartbeat shot up. He didn't hate me! I was happy, but I couldn't shake the feeling something was up. Why did it take so long? I decided not to think about it too much. I left him on read too. I can't get mad if he does the same to me.
"what day would be a good time to come over?"
I sent.
"maybe thursday?"
He answered, he sent me the address of his house. It was in another part of town. I was happy. A friendship can become so much stronger from just hanging out once outside of wherever you met that person.
Thursday arrived. The day I had been waiting for. I had gone home right after school, I just had to drop off my bag. Then I was going to Devin's. I never really did my homework. Today was no different. Today at school Devin told me he did it yesterday so we could hang out longer.
No one was home when I came in. I ran up the stairs to put my bag in my room. I put my phone in my pocket and ran down stairs again.
I ripped a piece of paper out of a notebook and wrote a message to my parents:

I'm hanging out with a friend. I won't be eating at home. I'll probably be back at 8.

I hesitated. The pen hanging above the paper.

I'm hanging out with a friend. I won't be eating at home. I'll probably be back at 8.

I smiled as I put the note on the kitchen counter, I quickly checked if I had everything, put my coat on and ran out the door.
Devin's house was about a fifteen minute walk from mine. It had big windows and a beautiful blue door.
I was standing in front of that door for about three minutes, atleast, that's how long it felt. It was probably more like thirty seconds.
After I had finally mustered up the courage I, rang the bell. Two seconds later the door opened.
'Nick!' Devin said excitedly 'There you are! I was afraid you wouldn't come.'
'Why would I not come?' I laughed.
'Good question.' He said 'Come in, you are going to get a cold if you stay outside for much longer.'
I walked through the door and felt a nice calming warmth. Devin closed the door behind me. I took off my coat and hung it up on the coat hanger.
'Do you want something to drink?'
'Some water would be nice'
We walked through the living room into the kitchen. Devin filled a glass with water for me and himself.
'Hey honey,' A woman had come into the kitchen from a room to the side, she had dark, wavy hair that was tied together in a messy ponytail. There were a few grey streaks in there. She was energetic but her face also looked tired. Like she just drank too much coffee, but it wouldn't get rid of the bags under her eyes.
'Who's your friend?'
'Hey mom, this is Nick,'
'Nice to meet you,' I said in response.
I shook her hand.
'Nick sounds like a guy's name, but your voice is so high.'
I looked down. I suddenly felt flooded with sadness. I tried to swallow the lump that formed in my throat, but it wasn't working.
'Nick is trans, he is a guy,'
'Oh, I'm so sorry.' His mom said 'I don't really understand all that, how do I refer to you?'
'Uhm,' I said 'Just use the name Nick and talk about me like you'd talk about any other boy,'
'That's simple enough, I'll try my best,' She smiled at me. A friendly, understanding smile.
I smiled back 'That'd be great, thank you.'
His mom nodded.
'Well you boys have fun, I have to go back upstairs for a meeting.' She looked at her watch to check the time and then quickly rushed up the stairs.
'Your mom seems nice,'
'I'm so sorry she said that, she's so nice usually-'
'It's okay, she apologised and corrected herself,' I said 'Way better than most people,'
'Alright,' He said 'if you are fine, than I am too'

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