Chapter 8

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This is the second Friday in a row that I am sitting outside the principal's office during PE. The nurse had given me an ice pack for my hand, the cold wrapped around my fingers, consuming it so I couldn't feel the pain anymore.Ethan was sitting next to me, Brodie was already sent home when we arrived, likely avoiding punishment once again, because that's how it works in this world. They had called my mom, she was going to come and pick me up. The nurse had told us to get my hand checked out by an actual doctor, a professional. In other words, mom is bringing me to the hospital when she arrives.
'Man, I hate Brodie so much,' Ethan said.
'Who doesn't?'
'Good point,' he said, 'You know, if your hand is broken, Brodie should pay for it, it's not fair, dude,'
'His parents would just pay for him, it's nothing to them. It wouldn't even hurt him,'
'Ugh, I hate that they're so rich,'
'Jealous much,'
'I'm nót jealous!' He said, clearly offended. 'Its just annoying, you know?'
'Nick?' I looked up. A familiar voice, 'What are you doing here?'
Our friend with dark curly hair and a green and blue chequered blouse was standing in front of me. A worried look hiding in his eyes.
'Oh my god, what happened to your hand?'
'Gód had nothing to do with that,' Ethan laughed.
'It was Brodie,' I clarified.
'That asshole,'
'His dick is probably the size of a peanut,'
Me and Devin turned around to look at Ethan.
'I mean, why else would he act like such a baby? He must have a tiny penis,'
I couldn't hold in my laugh, I burst out. The sound of our laughter echoed through the hallway, and for a second I forgot that my hand was wrapped up in ice and Brodie had just stepped on it. The three of us laughed. A sound that only came out of my mouth when I was with these guys.
'Shhhh! Quiet!' The secretary shushed us.
We looked at each other silently. Desperately holding back our laugh. Only one more chuckle escaped from Ethan.
'So... What are you doing here?' I asked Devin.
'The teacher asked me to get some paper for him,'
'Then you should probably get going, you don't want to piss him off,'
'You're right,' He chuckled while he stood up.
'Are you sure you're going to be okay?'
'I'll be fine,' I smiled. And a warm fuzzy feeling filled my stomach. He cared for me. And that mattered.
Devin nodded to me before he disappeared into the hallway. I smiled at him while he walked away.
'What's going on there?' Ethan asked. A smirk on his face.
'What do you mean?'
'Bro, did you see how you looked at him?'
'I can't exactly see myself in third person,' I replied.
'You blushed like crazy, dude,' he said 'Wait, do you have a thing for him?'
'What? No of course not, I'm straight, remember? Just girls,'
He chuckled.
'I'll believe it when I see it,'
'What the hell is that supposed to mean?'
'It means I'm challenging you, for ten bucks, not to kiss him,'
'Alright,' I said 'challenge accepted'

When mom arrived I said goodbye to Ethan. He had to go back to class. He should've gone back way earlier but he rather stayed with me. Mom drove me to the nearest hospital. I hadn't been there very often. Do you know that smell that is always in a hospital? The odour of sickness and old people creeped into your nose. Suffocating you. You can't filter a smell like that out. It made me nauseous.
I carefully held my right hand in the other while we were sitting in the waiting room. There was a deafening silence between us. Mom hadn't said a word, since she came to pick me up. Was she mad? Should I apologise? Did something happen to her? I didn't know, I wanted to ask but I was scared of what her reaction would be. Did dad hit her again? Was she mad I got hurt and she had to get out of work to pick me up?
'Madelyn,' she suddenly said, 'Why do you always keep getting into trouble?'
'I swear it wasn't my fault mom-'
'You always say that, but it keeps on happening, when is it going to stop?' She turned to look at me. I saw the glistering in her eye. Tears.
'It's not my fault that that guy always wants to fight with me, he hates me, he always did, what am I going to do about it?'
'It wouldn't have happened if you just acted like a normal girl,'
I didn't know what to say. Hearing mom say that broke something in me. I expected it from dad, but mom, she had always been neutral, not mixing herself in the fight. I guess a part of me always hoped she secretly accepted me, loved me for who I was. No, that's not right. I didn't just hope for it. I really thought that she did. But that she just didn't like confrontation so she always stayed silent. Now, knowing, really knowing what she actually thinks about me hurts more than I have been hurt in a while.
'I don't act like a "normal girl" because I'm not a girl, how many times do I have to tell you guys that?'
Mom just looked at me, I saw pain in her eyes. Her soft eyes. The ones that were supposed to be different from dad's. But it was all the same. She wanted to shape me to be her perfect little daughter, but she was failing. And she knew it. She cared more about that, than she did about me.
The door to the doctor's office opened.
'Madelyn Bloom, we are ready to see you,'

They asked me what happened and moved my hand and fingers in various positions to see what hurt and what didn't. Exactly like my PE teacher had done. Then they sent me over to the x-ray chamber, where, you already guessed it, they took an x-ray. After that we moved to yet another room where the doctor informed me that my hand wasn't broken, thank god, it was just heavily bruised. He told us that I had to be careful with my hand for at least two weeks. I couldn't play PE, I couldn't write with my right hand unless I was really really careful, and worst of all, I couldn't play guitar. 

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